Chapter 17

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Break had just started and Blaine and I were at his new house that his mom was now renting. Pam walked into the room and smiled at us.

"You look stressed sweetie." She said, putting a hand on Blaines shoulder.

"No shit." She pulled him up and had him lay down on the floor.

"Do I get to see the professional in action?" I asked. Blaine and her both laughed as she gave him a massage.

"This is the best form of relaxation ever." He said a minute later.

"Well, I have to go soon so enjoy it before I have to stop." He nodded as she finished and stood up.

"Come on babe. Let's watch a movie or something."

"I need help up." I laughed and flipped him, then grabbed his hand. He pulled my arm and made me fall down with him.

"Ahh..." He then flipped me so he could give me a kiss.

"You guys are too cute." Pam said as she passed through. "I'll be back after my meeting. If you need anything call."

"Okay. Love you mom!"

"Love you too!" She headed out as the two of us got up. We watched a movie in the living room and she still wasn't home by the time it was over.


"Hmm?" Blaine asked. I thought for a second before straddling his lap and going down for a kiss. He returned it before laying his hand on the back of my head. Tongues clashed and were roaming one another's mouth. As Blaine wrapped his leg around Kurt's leg, the front door opened straight to the living room. Kurt tried to scramble off Blaine but flipped over (because of being caught in Blaines leg) and hit his head on the coffee table during his tumble between that and the couch.

"Shit!" I yelled as I went down. Blaine covered his mouth and turned, peering over the edge.

"Oh my gosh, are you okay?"

"Yeah." I held my head as Blaine started laughing. Pam walked over and helped me up, laughing as well.

"I'm sorry."

"It's not your fault."

"I walked in on you so kinda. I should have called when I was on my way." I sat next to Blaine on the couch who was trying not to keep laughing.

"Stop." I whispered.

"Anyways, I can leave if you guys want alone time."

"It's okay." I said.

"Alright." We hung out that day until bedtime and I was staying at his house since our parents let us.

"Tomorrow, I am going to an Easter party at your aunts. Are you going?"

"Sure. Can Kurt come?"

"If he would like. I know they all want to meet him." They both looked at me.

"Umm— sure. I don't have any plans so I'd love to." Blaine smiled.


We woke up the next morning and got ready for the day. We were switching houses that night since my dad and Carole are going out of town to visit an old friend and Finn will be at Pucks. Pam had to go to work that morning to grab and check a few things but she got back around 3 and we headed to his family's house. As we walked in, the house was filled. He first walked to his aunt. They hugged before she smiled at me.

"Aunt Gracie, this is Kurt!"

"It's great meeting you! I've heard such amazing things."

"It's great meeting you too!" I also got introduced to his other aunts, uncles, grandparents, and now cousins. I turned around from a cousin in his grade and saw a woman, a little older than us, carrying a newborn.

"OH MY—" I stopped talking and smiled at Blaine who laughed at me.

"Hey Lucy! This is my boyfriend Kurt."

"Ohhh! I told Blaine I needed to meet you." I then smiled at her. "He's told me a lot about you." She said, winking at Blaine.

"Has he? Hope it's not bad."

"Oh trust me, it's not."

"Lucy, shut up." He looked at me. "She has no filter."

"Okay. Uhh— cute baby."

"Thanks! Want to hold her?" I nodded as she handed her over.

"What's her name?"


"Aww." I followed Blaine to an empty room upstairs that was, what I'm guessing, a family room. The three of us sat down and I just looked at the baby's soft and ADORABLE face. "boop" I said, lightly tapping her nose. Blaine smiled at me and I couldn't help but notice. Was this cute? I mean, if I saw Blaine with a baby it would definitely be a turn on. I smirked and kept talking to the baby. He leaned towards me and whispered in my ear.

"You know what you're doing to me." I nodded and kissed his cheek, still smiling.

"I do." As Luna started fussing, I readjusted her so she was vertical with her head on my chest.

"I'm going to leave so you can dirty talk without me." Lucy said, laughing as she left.

"Hi sweetie! Look how cute you are with your little dress and bow and cubby cheeks." I said in a baby voice. She didn't do anything in return, obviously. A little bit later, Pam walked in and looked at us.

"Dinner is ready."

"Okay." We headed down with her and ate. Afterwards we talked with everyone until Blaine and I were very tired. Most people had left so Blaine and I were on the couch, my head on his shoulder.

"You guys ready to go?" Pam asked. I looked over and nodded. Blaine nodded too, standing up. He laughed when I held my hand out.

"I need help." He yanked my arm and we said goodbye before leaving. We dropped off Pam, Blaine grabbed a bag, and then we went to my house.

"I'm going to the restroom." I nodded and laid down, closing my eyes. I drifted off before hearing the door open and Blaine clear his throat. I opened my eyes and— woah. "You too tired to have some Easter fun?" I smiled and sat up, looking him up and down with his little sexy bunny costume on.

"No. Get your bunny butt over here." He walked over and I pulled him on top of me, kissing him. "This is new."

"Well, I never dressed up for you so why not for a holiday?"

"Amazing idea. It's— hot." He smirked and kissed me once again, pushing me back so I was laying.

The rest of break was spent with each other or family. It was so fun to have some time off and now summer was just around the corner.

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