Chapter 3

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It was the next Friday and Rachel and Finn had continued thinking of ways to get Blaine and I together. That morning I drove to school before Finn since he was taking too long to get ready and he drove later in his car. The day was normal until after glee club. I went home in my car and set my backpack down, sighing.

"You okay?" Dad asked.

"Yeah. Tired and sore from sitting all day and carrying my bag." Carole motioned me over and I sat in front of her as she massaged my shoulders.

"They should really give you more time to move."

"I know." The front door opened as I was running my eyes.

"Dad, this is my friend Blaine." I froze as Finn said that and looked up. Blaine smiled at me and leaned down.

"What's happening? He invited me over and apologized but I feel as if it's not genuine."

"I'm his step brother. It's 100% not genuine." He nodded as Carole and Burt smiled at him.

"I'm Burt." He shook Blaines hand before Carole shook his.

"And I'm Carole."

"Nice to meet you both."

"Nice to meet you as well. We are going to start dinner." Burt said, leaving. Carole got up too.

"I can take over if you want."

"Uhh— okay. Thanks." He sat behind me and put his hands on my shoulders. My face burned as he started massaging. The room was empty and this somehow felt wrong. I mean, part of it didn't because he was amazing at massages. "Oh my god!" I gasped as he pressed on just the right spot. Blaine laughed.

"I used to give my mom massages all the time. She's a masseuse so she taught me."

"Well shes an amazing teacher. God, that feels good." I covered my mouth after realizing how wrong that sounded. "Sorry."

"It's okay." He stopped and we both took a deep breath before looking at each other. He slowly started leaning down before my dad walked in the doorway. I looked over as Blaine quickly stood.

"Uhh— would you like to stay for dinner?"

"I should probably head home. It was nice meeting you though." He nodded as Blaine walked out.

"Sorry I interrupted." I glared at him.

"Interrupted? It worked?" Finn asked from the kitchen.

"No, I walked in as they were about to kiss." He yelled back. I went upstairs again, embarrassed. It was almost as if that never happened though because Blaine and I didn't talk about it again. During school we kept acting like everything was normal. Like we didn't almost kiss. That was until the week after next (week 6 of him being at school). Rachel and Finn hadn't thought of another plan.

It was a Thursday and everyone was heading home. Rachel started walking out when she heard a piano start playing in the auditorium. She walked in at the top and heard Blaine start singing.

Big lights
Rushing to grow up before you know
Stop signs
Everyone tells me I gotta go slow
And it's gonna hurt sometimes

She took out her phone and decided to text Finn. She had a new plan.


Finn: Okay.

Rachel: Come to top when done. I'm hiding behind seats.

Finn: 😂 okay?

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