Chapter 18

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It was a few weeks into summer and I woke up to my door opening. I looked back and smiled at my handsome boyfriend.

"Hey babe!" I said.

"I have something for you." I turned over and saw him hold out an envelope. I grabbed it and pulled out the contents.

"Oh my god, Blaine!" He smiled as I looked at him and gave him a kiss.

"We are going to California!" We both chuckled. "I mean, if you want."

"Of course I do! We will have so much fun!"

"Yes we will! I already talked to your dad and everything."

"What's the occasion?"

"No occasion. I just want us to go together."

"Aww, I love you!" I gave him another kiss before laying back down and snuggling with him.

"I love you too!" Little did I know what would happen on this trip.

We got off the plane and walked hand in hand out of the building so we could have fun. We had to rent a car and drive to his uncles 2nd house that he is letting us stay at. After we set our things down we left and went to get dinner. It was so good and fun but afterwards decided to continue our activities tomorrow.

"Babe, I'm taking a shower." Blaine shouted to me. He appeared by the door to the living room and wiggled his eyebrows. "Wanna join?"

"Yeah." I laughed and paused what I was watching and went upstairs with him. We showered and had our own fun during and afterwards.

"I don't think there is a master bed or bath in this house." Blaine said as they were laying down.

"I haven't had a full tour yet. Is everything else that nice?"

"Yeah. All the beds and bathrooms are HUGE and SO NICE!" I nodded.

"Cool. And this is Lucy's dad and mom?"

"Yes. There is actually a nursery since they visit sometimes."

"Aww, cute."

"They're basically rich."

"Basically?" Blaine laughed.

"Are." I fell asleep in his arms after a long silence. I always seem to do this. Maybe it's because I feel safe and comfortable when I'm with him. I don't know but I just know he is like my home. Wherever he is is my home and where I want to be.

The next day we headed to the beach after lunch. I actually convinced him to go to the pool so we wouldn't get sand everywhere. I slowly walked in, keeping my glasses on and he just jumped in the deep end. He walked to the shallow end after his jump and I laughed at him.

"You're adorable."

"Thanks." He dunked his head again to fix his hair before staying squatted to keep his body under the water. "You are too." I gave him a kiss before lowering my body a little. "Aren't you going to put your head under?"

"No. I'll mess up my hair."

"Seriously?" I nodded and laughed. "Wow, okay." A woman close by with her kid smiled at us as we saw her looking.

"I'm sorry I'm being nosy."

"It's okay." Blaine said, smiling back.

"Are you two a couple?"

"Yeah." I replied.

"Cool. My son is actually gay and dating a guy. They are around here somewhere but yeah."

"Awesome! How old is he?"

"14." She looked behind us. "There they are." We saw two boys walk in, laughing and holding hands. "Anyways, we are just visiting and I don't see a lot of gay couples where we live."

"Same with us."

"Where do you live?"


"Same. We are in Cincinnati. Not a lot of diversity where we are." We nodded.

"Yeah." I then flinched when water splashed me.

"BLAINE!" He started laughing before pushing me over and making my head go under. "I hate you."

"Love you too." I took my glasses off and ran my hand through my hair.

"Woah. I had a friend with the like— EXACT same eyes as you. Sorry, that's weird." The lady said.

"It's okay. Must have had beautiful eyes." I joked.

"She really did." She squinted her eyes and tilted her eyes. "Oh my god. Is— is your last name Hummel?" Blaine and I both looked at her like she was crazy.

"Uhh— maybe?"

"I just— I had a friend and she passed away a little bit ago and you look like her and her husband."

"Lily and Burt?" She nodded. "Yeah, those are my parents."

"Oh my god! Wow. We were really good friends. That's crazy!" I nodded.

"What's your name?"

"Susan Williams."

"I'll ask my dad about you. He probably will remember. He remembers everything." We talked for a while and even got to talk to her son and his boyfriend a little.

That night when we were back at the house, I called mr dad.

"Does the name Susan Williams ring a bell?"

"Yeah. She was your moms best friend in college. How do you know that name?"

"I ran into a girl who said I looked really familiar and we found out she was Susan. She seemed really nice."

"She was. She was super protective of your mom so when we dated, she asked me a lot of questions and stuff. It was actually pretty funny."

"Thats cool!"

"Yeah. How are things?"

"Good! It's fun."

"Nice." He caught me up with what he did today and then we hung up when it was time for bed. Well, my bedtime anyways. We had lots planned so needed to wake up early.

The rest of the trip was spent seeing different places, going back to the pool (we even saw Susan again and talked), and hanging inside as well. On our last night, Blaine looked like of sad.

"Are you okay honey?" 

"Yeah but I need to talk to you."


"So you know how you want to go to NYADA for college?"


"Well, I want to come here."


"There's a college I want to go to here and my brother lives here so I thought it would be cool."

"Then I'll look here too. I don't need to go to NYADA."

"No. I'm not letting you give up on your dream school for me. You and Rachel have a whole plan."

"But what about us?"

"We will try to make it work. It will be way harder than long distance from Lima to Westerville but we will try. Plus, we don't even know if I'll get accepted anywhere here so let's just wait and see before making any decisions. Okay?"


"Are you okay?"


"Okay. I love you."

"Love you too." We laid down and fell asleep before having to wake up for our flight the next morning. The trip was perfect and amazing but I was kind of bummed about Blaine wanting to go to California but let's not think of that now.
A/N- the last few chapters will be flash forwards to other important events in their relationship. I'm thinking of having about 26 chapters total.

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