Chapter 24

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Junior Year...

"Rachel! I'm heading to work!" I yelled. She came out from her room and nodded.

"Cool! I'll see you tomorrow."

"Right. You're staying with your friend for your project."

"Yup." I smiled at her.

"Tell Kasey I say hi."

"Okay! Have fun at work!"

"I will! Bye!"

"Byeee!!!" I headed to the coffee shop and saw all my work friends (some from school too).

"Hey Haley!"

"Hey! Staying warm out there?"

"Nope." I laughed and set my things in the back before putting on my apron. I started taking orders for a while before my day was coming to an end. I looked up as the other person was looking up from their phone. We both froze.

"Blaine Anderson?" We both smiled.

"Kurt Hummel." I chuckled. "How are you?"

"I'm good! You?"


"Medium drip if I remember correctly?"



"Okay." I smiled at him as he paid.

"It'll be at the end soon." He nodded as someone else took my cash register spot and I made his coffee.

"4 o'clock."

"What?" I asked Haley, laughing.

"Cute guy checking you out." I looked over and smiled.

"You know Blaine?"

"Your ex?"

"Yes." I looked back and smiled again. "That's him."

"Oh my god, shut up! He's hot!"

"Shut up before he hears you and— I know!" She laughed.

"Your shift is over. Go take him home and work your magic." I rolled my eyes and handed him his drink.

"You need to stop doing that."

"What? I'm just waiting for my drink." I took off my apron and set it in the back as well as grabbing my things quickly before returning.

"Now my friend thinks there could be something here so that could get complicated."

"Well what if there is?" I laughed at him.

"You're funny."

"Umm— I have some news." He said as we left the building and stood on the sidewalk.


"I'm transferring to Columbia University."

"Woah, what?! That's like super hard to get into."

"Yeah well I was valedictorian, joined lots of clubs, and I'm talented. I'm also half-Filipino." I laughed.

"Well, congratulations! How'd you get the idea?"

"My teacher actually recommended it."

"Cool! I'm happy for you."


"So, we should hang out soon then?"


"You should come over for dinner."

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