Chapter 7

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It was a few weeks later and Blaine and I had been on a few more dates. We had been dating a little over a month. Anyways, right now we are all in glee club. He had seemed off all day but I just thought maybe it was lack of sleep or something small.

"Okay everyone. Sectionals is in 3 weeks and we need to work on finishing touches for everything these weeks. Half of our days on the songs and half on dances. We will then do some final performances to practice both together but we do need to work on some bugs we have. Stand up so we can quickly warm up." Everyone followed his directions but Blaine who was staring into space.

"Are you okay?" I asked, leaning down.

"Yeah." He looked at me and wiped a tear from his eyes. I raised my hand.

"Yes Kurt?"

"Can Blaine and I be excused?" He saw how sad Blaine looked and nodded. We left the room and sat in the hall against some lockers. "We can just sit if you don't want to tell me but I'm here. Okay?"

"I'm moving back to Westerville."

"WHAT?!" I covered my mouth.

"There are things I haven't told you. Like about my dad. He doesn't accept me."

"You being gay?"

"Yeah. He umm— found out I had a boyfriend and now is sending me back there."

"But it's an hour and a half away."

"I know. He knows how bad I do with long distance."

"I feel like this is my fault."

"It's not! I swear!"

"So what are we going to do?"

"Spend time together until I have to leave."

"Then just drop everything? Act like none of it happened? Like we never met?"

"I mean, what else can we do? You can't constantly travel back and forth. You have school to focus on."

"This is great."

"I'm so sorry!"

"It's okay." I then wiped a tear that escaped. "When do you leave?"

"3 weeks. After sectionals."

"Okay. I guess I just thought I'd get to have all my firsts with you but— that just changed."

"I mean we would be dating 2 months when I leave. Why not have some more of our firsts." I smiled and kissed him.

"After sectionals?"

"After sectionals."

We left school early and headed home. I walked in and only Carole was home at the time. As I entered the living room, she knew I was sad.

"Are you okay? What's wrong?" I broke out in tears and sat next to her.

"B-B-B-Blaine is mo-moving back to Da-Dalton!" I sobbed into her shoulder as she hugged me.

"Aww, sweetie. I'm so sorry!" She rubbed my back and just held me, letting me cry everything out. I sniffled a while later when I finished and wiped my face with my sleeve. "When?"

"I mean, 3 weeks but still."

"I know it doesn't matter when. You're still super sad." I nodded.

"And we don't want to do long distance because we have school to focus on and it's too hard."


"I just— I don't want to lose him!"

"I know honey. I'm so sorry." Finn walked in soon enough and saw my red puffy eyes.

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