Chapter 20

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"Our last night together for a while. Well, until winter break."

"4 months! How can I go that long without you?"

"I don't know how I'll last either but I'm calling every night, okay?"

"Okay." We kissed and laid down, turning on the tv and cuddling. I tried making myself forget about leaving but I couldn't. I just love him and now we are going to be like on opposite sides of the country.

The next morning when Blaine and I woke up, I hugged him and kissed his cheek. He hugged me back and we just stayed like that until there was a knock on the door a few minutes later.

"I'll be down in a bit." I got up and dressed before heading down with Blaine.

"We need to put your things in the car. We are leaving at noon." I nodded and went back upstairs. Blaine helped me with packing and then it was the time I had been dreading. "We have to head out bud." Burt said.

"I know." I sighed and gave Blaine a hug at his car. "I love you so much! I'm gonna miss you. Like a lot."

"I love and will miss you too. Let me know when you get there. Okay?"

"Okay." We stayed in the hug for a while until he kissed my cheek.

"You need to go." I groaned and nodded. I gave him a real kiss this time and said bye to Carole and Finn as well before dad and I headed out. Rachel was already there early since she needed to for when the furniture came in for our place. She missed Finn, who she was now dating, but she was getting through it. They were surviving but I wasn't sure about Blaine and I. He is terrible with long distance so not sure how this will work. As dad and I arrived, we went up to our studio apartment, which I hadn't seen yet, and saw that Rachel set up the furniture.

"Wow Rach! The place looks great and there aren't even that many boxes left."

"Yeah well I had time waiting for the furniture and figured why not get it ready for all your boxes." I laughed before we all headed down to get my boxes. After bringing them all up, we sat in the living room.

Kurt: Hey babe! Just wanted to let you know I'm in New York. We brought all my boxes up so now I can relax until I have to unpack. How was your day?

Blaine: Hey hon! Glad you got there safe 😘 My day was okay. I miss you already but we'll call tonight at some point? If not then maybe tomorrow.

Kurt: *FaceTimes Blaine*

"Hey!" He said, smiling at me.

"Hey! Are you in bed?"

"Yeah. I'm really bored."

"Aww, I'm sorry. I wish I was there."

"Same." I chuckled. "We could be having much more fun together than you are having there. If you know what I mean." He winked at me and I tried holding in my laugh as I looked at my dad.

"Everyone can hear you."

"Oh shit. You're still in the living room?"

"There's not really different rooms. It's like curtains to separate so even if I wasn't, they can still hear you." He covered his face with a hand and started laughing.

"Sorry guys."

"It's okay Blaine. I'm used to it from you two in basically any situation. It's Burt you have to worry about." Rachel said.

"Sorry Burt..."


"So how was the ride?"

"Good. Long but we made it and didn't have to stay at a hotel which is good. Made it here at 9:30 so not much longer than I expected." He nodded. "We'll probably head to bed soon but I did want to say hi." Blaine sighed.

"I love you."

"Love you too." He looked at me for a second before smiling. "What?" I asked, smiling back and grabbing a chip bag from the coffee table.

"Nothing. I'll tell you later." I laughed and nodded. "Oh god, that sounded bad. I swear it's not. Your dad probably thinks I'm like sex crazed."

"No he doesn't." Rachel and I both looked at Burt who was chuckling.

"I don't Blaine and even if I did I wouldn't care cause I was the same way in college. Hormonal."

"Ugh! Gross dad!" Rachel and Blaine both laughed.

"You're saying you're not hormonal?"


"Oh my god! Yeah, okay." My dad said, laughing along with Rachel and Blaine.

"I could beg to differ." Blaine said.

"OKAY! I think we are done here. I gotta go before things get even more awkward." Blaine chuckled.

"Okay. Night babe!"

"Night Blaine!" I blew him a kiss before hanging up. "I'm tired so I'm heading to my part of the room." Rachel smiled and looked up.

"Okay. See you tomorrow. I'll head to bed too." I grabbed blankets and a pillow for dad before heading to my bed and falling asleep.

Dad didn't stay much longer because he had the shop to watch after but we did get to spend some time together before he left. Blaine and I talked everyday and when dad left, basically all day until school started. That's when things got complicated...

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