Chapter 12

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It was Christmas morning and we all had plans for today. The Anderson's were coming for dinner since it would just be our immediate families separately. I walked downstairs and my parents were making Campbell eggs along with toast and bacon, our traditional Christmas breakfast.

"Morning sweetie!" Carole said.

"MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!" Finn yelled.

"Morning!" Dad said.

"Good morning everyone!" I replied, sitting down. "Blaine is coming over in a little. I have a gift for him." His whole family nodded. They opened gifts after eating. I got some posters for musicals, outfits, and a new phone, which I had been asking for for a while now. Finn got some video games and even a new game station. We both also got candy in our stockings. I rarely allow myself to eat candy but on Christmas I make an exception. I was in my room after eating lunch and my door creaked open. Once I looked up, I saw Blaine walking in with a bag.

"Hey babe." He said, kissing my cheek.


"You playing with your new gift?" We both chuckled.

"I'm texting Rachel."

"Nice. I have a gift for you." He held out the bag and I looked at it. I then climbed off my bed and grabbed a bag from my closet.

"I do too."

"Okay but you open yours first." I nodded and grabbed it. First, I opened the card and read it out loud.

"Merry Christmas Kurt! Thanks for making this year the best ever and giving me the best gift ever. You :) I love you so much!" I smiled at him. "I love you too!" I opened the gift and laughed as I pulled it out.

"It's a gag gift, I swear."

"This will be super useful!" I said, still laughing and holding a candle with the words 'light me when you want a BJ' on it. I put it in my side table drawer as he handed me a small box. I opened it and saw a keychain with the words 'You will always be my locker neighbor and the best boyfriend I could ask for. Love you babe!' I smiled and gave him a kiss. "Aww, thanks honey!"

"You're welcome."

"Now, open mine." He read the card which said 'Hope you have the best Christmas. Can't wait to spend this one together. I love you bunches sweetie!" He smiled and took out the tissue paper. He then put his hand in and pulled out sweat pants.

"Oh my god! These are soft!"

"I know. I know how much you LOVE sweats to sleep in and when I felt these I knew I had to get them for you."

"I LOVE THEM! Thanks hon!" He gave me a hug before taking his pants off and putting his new sweatpants on.

"They look like they fit great! How do they feel?"


"I'll be right back." I went downstairs and grabbed something real quick. When I got back up, I grabbed my candle and opened it. "This actually smells super good." Blaine laughed before I lit the candle.

"Your family is home."

"They left to drop something off at my aunts. My dad talks for a while every time he visits so we have plenty of time."

"Then okay. Don't want the candle going to waste." I laughed as he unbuttoned my pants.

Blaine got a few hours later as they were watching tv so reached over and grabbed his phone. I paused the tv as he answered.

"Hey mom."

"Hey honey! I need you to come home and help me with something before dinner."

"Okay. I'm coming."

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