Chapter 16

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Court statements:

Pam Anderson- I've always been scared to stand up to Mike and he always bossed Blaine and I around. Finally I decided enough was enough and I broke things off and even had Blaine stay with me so he had a choice in things.

Cooper Anderson- As a kid, my dad knew something was off with Blaine. He forced him to play sports and fix cars with him because I think he knew Blaine wasn't like the son he wanted. Blaine is special but he's amazing. My father doesn't see how amazing Blaine is and tries changing him. Putting him in a house with my father is a terrible choice. I know that's not what Blaine wants or even his boyfriend. It's a mistake to do that.

David- I have seen Mr. Anderson once and that's enough for me to tell you that he doesn't deserve to have Blaine stay with him. He grabbed his arm and seemed very aggressive with him. After pulling him to the side with a tight grip on his arm, he got in his face and started yelling at him. It was family weekend so all the parents and students around thought he was crazy, which he is. He started yelling at him about hanging with his best friend, saying he was flirting when he wasn't. Even if he was, why would it matter? He should be able to be himself without being yelled at.

Wes- I saw the same thing as David where he grabbed Blaines arm. He actually told his dad he was holding on too tight but he didn't care. Mr. Anderson actually said the words 'shut up' and 'stop being a baby'. Another thing that happened was that he sent Blaine back to Dalton and told my dad to watch me and make sure he wasn't getting together with any guys. To make sure he didn't have any relationship with any guys. He is homophobic and doesn't accept his child. If he can't even accept Blaine then why should he have custody?

Kurt Hummel- I had never met Mike until a little bit ago but I heard horrific things about him. I expected Pam to be just as bad but I saw the kindness in her eyes as I saw her. He is accepting of Blaine and an AMAZING parent. I was in the kitchen with Blaine as Mike visited their house a bit ago. He started saying that they need to send him to a camp so he can change, I think he almost used a gay slur before Pam stopped him, and he even started making assumptions about me and my family. Blaine obviously got protective and a little angry but honestly I think he just has so much trauma from father that he just couldn't deal with it anymore. He broke and everyone does it. I just need you to know that Blaine is a good guy and to make sure he doesn't break again, he needs to be put in a healthy environment which is with his mother.

Blaine Anderson- My dad has never listened to me. I told him I might be gay one time and he went off. He screamed curses and slurs, telling me I needed to get a girlfriend. He sent me to McKinley so that I'd be able to get one but instead I found my amazing and perfect boyfriend. Of course he didn't like it when he found out so he sent me back to Dalton even though I was the happiest I've ever been where I was. He didn't listen to what I wanted or even what my mom had to say about it. She wanted me to stay since I was happy but he went over her head and enrolled me back at Dalton. Not sure what sending me to a school full of guys would do but oh well. He visited me one time and everything my friends said was true. He grabbed my arm, tighter than he should have, and yanked me away to yell at me about something that didn't even happen. He got so paranoid about the fact that I'm gay that he had to yell at me so everyone around could hear. It was humiliating and just terrible. I went to stay with my mom over break and when I got back cause I'm terrified of my father. I don't know if he will hurt me, because I wouldn't doubt that he would one day, or make me depressed from the constant yelling and telling me what I'm doing wrong. Telling me that how I am isn't the real me. That it's a phase or it's wrong. My mom had to sneak me out for therapy because I once tried to OD and he didn't care. I got back from the hospital and he told me not to do it again cause it won't help me escape anything. My mom is the only one who makes me happy and who has helped me. I'm begging you to not let me go with my father. Please. He has mentally abused me so bad that he has caused me to need therapy and I've tried harming myself.

Blaine started telling his story and it made me emotional. He looked at me when he talked about his self harm because he never actually told me. I stood up when he told that story and left the room. Everyone looked including Mike. Rachel stood and followed me to the bathroom. I started shaking and breathing heavily.

"Kurt, breathe." She took deep breaths which I did with her until I could stay calm. She pulled me into a hug and let me just cry.


"What's up?"

"He never told me."

"That he wanted to hurt himself?" I nodded.

"He will explain later. I know he will. I don't doubt he did based on what I've heard today but you are here to help him through the hard times. You need to go back out for him. Okay?" I nodded and grabbed a tissue, wiping my eyes and nose. I went back out and Blaine looked at me to make sure I was okay. He actually looked back every like 5 minutes after that. My dad pulled me closer after I got back to comfort me and we kept listening. His dads statements were terrible and the same for everyone. Basically they all went, 'He loves his child and wouldn't do anything bad to him. He might disagree with him but he is still his father and has the right to see him. Pam isn't a stable parent and is making Blaine go crazy.'. I got so mad every time they would take because none of it about Blaine being crazy was true. Yes, he had a breakdown ONE time but that's all Mikes fault. The judge took a small break at the end before coming back together.

"Typically we would take a bit to weigh the options but I have made my decision. After hearing both sides I grant Pam Anderson custody." Her whole side cheered and Blaine sighed, hugging his mom. "Mike Anderson is also facing up to 10 years or more in prison for emotionally abusing Blaine Anderson and refusing him help when necessary." Kurt smiled and looked at his dad.

"He's going to be okay bud!"

"And his dad won't be bothering him for a looooong time."

"Yup." Not much more was needed to get Blaines dad arrested and by April, spring break, everything was dealt with and Blaine would finally relax.

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