Chapter 15

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Blaine, Pam, and I were all at their house one evening on a Saturday. Blaine and Pam were cooking as I watched. I am a good cook but wasn't feeling it today. There was a knock on the door so Pam wiped her hands and went to answer it.

"Mike, what are you doing here?" Blaine froze and his face turned pale.

"Are you okay?"

"My dad is here." I put my hand on his back.

"Just breathe." He nodded and listened to them talk.

"Since when has my son transferred back to McKinley?"

"Since I decided it was best for him."

"You can't decide that on your own. I'm his father!"

"Who doesn't care about what HE wants."

"I want to see him. I have a right."


"YES! He can't go back to this environment where he thinks he is gay. It's not natural and my son is not going to be a—"


"My son does not have a boyfriend and never will. I will make sure of it. We can send him to a camp or something. Why aren't you just agreeing."

"Mike, I NEVER HAVE!!! Stop being homophobic and let him be himself."

"That's not his true self. Anyone who is gay is not being their true self."

"You know what? Blaine has a boyfriend and he's actually a great guy. I hope they get married cause he'd be way better than you were and will ever be."

"He doesn't have a boyfriend. This guy has got to have horrible parents who think it's okay to be like this. To think he's like this." Blaine turned around but I grabbed his arm.

"Just leave it." He yanked his arm away and stormed into the living room. I followed and kept trying to yank him back. It was like he had superhero strength though. "I'm serious, stop." I whispered.

"That's him?" Pam didn't react. "Look at him! He doesn't deserve Blaine. He's like— I don't even know." Blaine stormed over and tried jumping on his dad but Pam and I both held him back.


"Before you what?" He walked in and pushed Blaine against the wall.

"Dad, let me go."

"I have a right to see you and I will. I'll be contacting my lawyer if you don't."

"Oh really? Cause I already contacted my lawyer and she told me that I need to tell you that I'm suing for full custody. I mean, what better time then now?" Pam said. Mike furrowed his eyebrows and stormed out. I gave Blaine a hug and kissed his cheek.

"You just made that 100 times worse."

"He was talking shit about you and your family. What was I supposed to do?"

"Leave it alone." He rolled his eyes.

"When are you two getting divorced for real?" Blaine asked randomly.

"So here's the thing." Pam said, sighing. "We kind of aren't legally married..."

"What? How?"

"I don't know cause I didn't listen. All I thought was 'yay' and 'I'm free' so..." Blaine laughed.

"Please get custody. I don't want to move in with him mom. I don't know what I'd do."

"I will honey. Don't worry." He nodded.

"Let's go finish cooking. I'm hungry." We kept going on with our night like it was normal and that's when things got real. Soon enough, a court date was decided and Blaine and Pam got tons of people to back them up. We all had a good feeling about this. I knew Pam would win and Blaine would be in good hands.

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