Chapter 4

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I arrived at school and went to my locker. As I set some things inside, Blaine slid next to me and smiled.

"Hey..." I smiled back and shut my locker.


"So, you ready for this stupid project in Chem?"

"No." I rolled my eyes and leaned against the lockers.

"You stressed?"

"Yes! You know what I could really use?"


"One of your amazing massages."

"I'll make sure to give you one."

"Good." He smiled and put his things in his locker before we headed to our first bell. Chem. The first half of the day was basically the same but with even more smiles.

At lunch, we walked in together and everyone smiled.

"Why do you all look like that?" I asked.

"No reason." Artie replied. Quinn gave a slight wink so I pulled Finn away as Blaine sat down, uncomfortable with the stares.

"What did you tell them?!" I snapped.

"Nothing, I swear!" I crossed my arms and furrowed my eyebrows which always works with him. "But Rachel might have told them about your kiss."

"Of course she did." I rolled my eyes and walked back.

"Blaine, we are eating somewhere else."


"This means get your talking and giggling out now because at glee club I don't want to hear anything." We walked away as they started talking.

"I totally get why Kurt would want to tap that." Santana said.

"I know. He's a big piece of eye candy." Mercedes added. That's when we stopped being able to hear them.

"I'm sorry about them."

"It's okay."

"How about we work on our Chem project and get a little ahead of things? It'll help us in the long run."

"Okay." We walked into class and Mr. Ballard smiled. "We just wanted to know if we could work on our project a little while we ate?"

"Of course. You two are very responsible. Good job!"

"Thanks!" He nodded as we sat down. A few minutes later, he stood up.

"I'm going to go to the restroom. I'll be back." We both nodded. Once he left, Blaine looked to me.

"Uhh—I have a question."

"What's up?" I asked.

"Well, the thing is— I just wanted to know if you might umm— let me take you on a date?" He said, whispering that last part. I looked over and smiled.

"Yeah, okay!" He smiled back. "I also have a question."


"Would it be okay if I uhh— kissed you again?" He smiled and nodded.

"Anytime." I leaned in and pressed a soft kiss to his lips. A few seconds later we heard footsteps and saw Mr. Ballard smile as he walked to his desk. Of course he knew what he walked in on but I don't think he's homophobic or anything cause he didn't look grossed out or anything. We kept working until the bell rang and it was time for our next class.

"Have a good rest of your day!" Mr. Ballard said.

"You too!"

"Thanks!" We nodded as we left the room. The rest of the day went normal again.

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