Chapter 5

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It was the next Friday and the day of... OUR DATE! I am a mix of emotions but mostly excited. I am also nervous because what if we run out of things to talk about, or I say something stupid, or he gets weirded out by my love for salads, or just everything goes terribly! My dad walked in my room and saw me staring at the ceiling.

"Bud. It's time for school."

"I know."

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah. Just thinking."

"Want to talk?" I shrugged.

"I'm just— nervous."

"About tonight?"


"Well, you like him and he likes you. There's nothing to worry about. Do you ever run out of things to talk about?"


"Then it'll be fine. Try not to overthink."

"You're right." I gave him a hug which I think surprised him because it took a second before he hugged back.

"Anyways, I made you some eggs and bacon so come down before it gets cold." Dad said after we released from our hug.

"Okay." He left the room as I got dressed and grabbed my backpack. After eating, brushing my teeth, and fixing my hair, I left with Finn.

As I walked up to my locker, Blaine and Rachel were already at theirs, talking. Blaine turned as I opened my locker and smiled.

"Hey!" He said.


"You ready for tonight?" I nodded. "So I'll pick you up around 6?"

"Sounds good!"

"Good! Umm— let's head to chem."

"Okay." I closed my bag and locker before we headed to class.

The whole day went normal until it was time for our date. I was dressed and looking at myself in the mirror. I feel like it didn't look right but I headed downstairs anyways. Dad smiled as he saw me come in.

"You look great! When is he getting you?"

"Any minute."

"Okay." Finn and Carole walked in after hearing their conversation and stood by the island. Rachel was also texting me at that time.

Rachel: Are you gone yet?

Kurt: No.

Rachel: Good. Wanted to talk to you. Are you excited?

Kurt: Yeah.

Rachel: You need to tell me how it went later!

Kurt: I will. I'll text you afterwards. Not sure when I'll be home but I know we're going to Breadstix.

Rachel: Okay.

The doorbell then rang and I got up, walking over to answer. Blaine stood there, smiling when the door opened.

"Wow..." I walked out and closed the door so my family wouldn't eavesdrop. "You look great, like always."

"You do too!"

"Uhh— you ready?"

"Yeah!" We walked to his car and got in. We talked the whole way there before getting seated.

"So, let's get to the real stuff now." Blaine said, causing me to giggle.

"What do you want to know?"

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