Chapter 13

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Finn knocked on my door before walking in. Blaine and I looked up from what we were doing.

"Its time to go."

"I'm coming." I grabbed my bag for overnight and followed him to the car. We drove to Rachels and went inside, meeting everyone in the basement.

"HUMMEL! ANDERSON!" Puck yelled as we headed down the stairs. Everyone else looked over and cheered too.

"We have a gift!" Santana said, walking over and pulling us to the couch. Puck handed me a box but I handed it to Blaine.

"I'm not opening it. Blaine has a better sense of humor." Blaine laughed and tore the tape of the plain cardboard box. He started dying laughing as he opened it up before tilting it towards me.

"You guys are funny..." I said, shaking my head and laughing. I grabbed a handful of the condoms that the box was filled with and threw them at Rachel who laughed too.

"You know how much money this will save us!" Blaine joked.

"Don't think they'll last that long." Puck teased.

"Shut up Puckerman." I said, standing up. I walked to Mercedes who was chuckling.

"You know they'll never let you live this down."

"That I had sex?"


"Not sure why its so important."

"Cause you're a real man now!"

"Wow... okay..."

"And its fun to tease you. Plus, Blaine's a cutie."

"Yeah, I know he is."

"You were like a baby penguin and now you're like-- a master."

"A master?"

"Yes. You know? A--"

"I know what you mean and I'm not." She chuckled as I moved on to another friend.

"Hey Tina! How have you been?"

"Good! You? Like, how is Dalton?"

"Amazing! Everyone is so nice and I'm getting good grades and yeah. I do miss you all though."

"We miss you too!" She gave me a hug. "It's amazing seeing you."

"Same. I know it's only been like a week but I miss you guys." We talked for a bit longer before I moved on again. I got to talk to basically everyone before it was almost midnight. I walked up to Blaine and grabbed his hand.

"Hey babe!" He gave me a kiss before I pointed to the tv. "10 minutes."

"Perfect amount of time to sneak away real quick. Have a make out sesh before the new year."

"How can I say no to you?"

"Right?" I winked and yanked him upstairs. He pushed me against a wall and kissed me, hard. "Oh my god, I love you!"

"I love you too!"

"I wish I had my candle." He laughed as he started kissing my neck. I grabbed the back of his hair and sighed.

"I do too. Why do you have to sleepover?"

"We just had sex before the party. I think you can wait until tomorrow." He groaned and kissed me again. I put my hands on his stomach before moving them up to his beaded necklace. They got caught as I moved my hands back down and yanked his necklace off. I covered my mouth and he laughed.

"We should probably head down." I checked the time and nodded. We tried going down unnoticed but EVERYONE saw and ooh'd.

"What happened to your necklace, Blaine?" Quinn asked. I quickly handed it to him.

"I broke it."

"How?" Artie asked.

"It just— fell off?" They laughed.

"Come on, it's almost New Years! Let's go count down." I said, running to stand by the tv as Rachel started handing out noisemakers. She put a small hat on my head as well and strapped the little string around. We waited a minute until it was time and we all started screaming.

"TEN, NINE, EIGHT, SEVEN, SIX, FIVE, FOUR, THREE, TWO, ONE, HAPPY NEW YEARS!!!!" I turned to Blaine and kissed him.

"Happy New Years love." I said, smiling at him.

"Happy New Years!" He gave me another kiss. We all talked for a little until people started heading home. Blaine was last to leave because he helped us clean a little. Rachel and I were in her room afterwards, talking.

"It's nice of your dads to let me stay while they're gone."

"Well, they trust you and talked to your parents." I nodded.

"So, what's up with you and Finn?"

"Nothing." I smiled at her. "What?"

"I know you. Just tell me." She then grew a smile.

"I uhh— it's nothing."

"Aww, do you like him?"

"It's not like he likes me so it wouldn't even matter."

"He totally does! You have to tell him!"

"No. Not happening."

"Please! Can I?"


"FINE!" I groaned.

"Get in your pajamas so we can go to sleep." I took off my shirt and she started laughing. As I looked back, she was looking at my body.

"What?" She crawled to the end of her bed and rubbed her hand over my hip. I looked down and saw a hickey. "Stop."

"That's like fresh too. Please tell me nothing happened in my house when you snuck upstairs."

"That was just a make out sesh, I swear. This was— before the party." I said, mumbling the last part. She started laughing again as she moved back.

"Damn! Does this boy mark every place on your body." She pointed to my shoulder and rib opposite of the hip she noticed. I rolled my eyes, putting my t-shirt on.

"At least it's not my neck. That's just sketchy."

"Anywhere else I should know of?"

"I'm changing my pants in your bathroom." She gasped before laughing for the third time. I got back out a little later and we talked for a bit before bed. The next morning we hung for a while until I headed home, a little after noon. Boy, was New Years special. Rachel came over a few more times before I had to go back to school. I drove Blaine and first went to drop off his things. Wes had his things back but he wasn't there. We then headed to my room and there they were. Both David and Wes.

"Hey guys! How was Christmas?"

"Great! I got a new candle." Wes started laughing and winked at Blaine who was laughing back. "Did he show you?"

"Yes, he did. Did you guys at least use it?"

"Oh yeah!" David looked confused.

"Am I missing something?" I pulled the candle out of my bag and showed him.

"Oh god. Please don't use that here."

"It's going in my room." He groaned as I set it on my side table. "Blaine, come here and bring a lighter!" Wes and David both laughed as I came back out. "Kidding! Not even allowed to light it here. I'll just— keep it for decoration here and use it at home."

"Did you guys have fun over break?"

"Yes. We went to a New Years party at my friends and him and his mom came over for Christmas dinner."

"Sounds fun."

"Yeah, it was." They nodded and we all continued to catch up. Sounds like we all had great breaks. Now it's time to prepare for Regionals in about a month.

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