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WHEN MAY HAD TO REPORT BACK TO WORK, her five minutes in paradise quickly melted away

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WHEN MAY HAD TO REPORT BACK TO WORK, her five minutes in paradise quickly melted away. She had a case she was consulting and it was on a time crunch, so now she was sitting at a desk in an elegant dress, working on an investigation report on a vampire homicide that happened two weeks ago in Chicago.

She had her chin resting in her hand as she hand-wrote the report, looking up at the notes that had her proving that the attack on the vampires was done by rogue Shadowhunter long gone from the Institute and working independently. They had an eye on the guy for a while but never had anything to charge him with. Now they were able to lock him up thanks to May.

She glanced up from her work to see Izzy, Clary, and Jace head straight for a computer, waving her over to join her. She put her pen down and walked over to see Izzy pulling up surveillance footage from the head's office.

Alec finally joined the group and Clary asked. "How's Lydia?"

"Better. Magnus is doing what he can to help her, but it's bad. And the Cup is definitely missing." Alec confirmed.

"Woah." May waved. "Someone catch me up here. What happened to Lydia?"

Izzy, who didn't look away from the monitor answered. "She was attacked by someone who took the Cup from the office."

"By the angel," May muttered. May was looking forward to thanking Lydia for what she did at the wedding. Now she felt extra terrible about taking her fiance right in front of her... and the rest of the wedding party.

"Hodge is missing too," Jace added.

"Maybe he was attacked, too," Izzy suggested, rewinding the surveillance footage back by hours, waiting at it quickly sped back in time.

Clary and May share a look. "I hate to suggest it. But maybe he was the one that attacked her?" May asked slowly.

"Hodge?" Izzy asked. "No way. We've known him our entire lives. He would never do that to us."

Finally, the footage came just before the attack. Izzy stopped, paused then played it. Zooming in just enough to get a close shot of Hodge, backhanding Lydia hard enough that it sent her through the coffee table onto the floor, knocking her almost unconscious. He then walked over and grabbed the Cup right out of her grasp. He admired it proudly.

"I led him right to the Cup." Jace spoke darkly.

"We treated him like family. How could he do this to us?" Alec asked. May sighed, she felt the group's anger, disappointment, and ping of hurt. It made her woozy and she had to pinch the bridge of her nose and close her eyes to pull herself back. It was weird feeling other's emotions. She was warned that it wasn't going to be easy at first.

Izzy then pulled up another camera angle, the one in the med bay where Jocelyn was being kept. He stood right in front of her, pulling a ring out of his pocket and placing it on his finger.

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