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NEVER IN HER LIFE HAS HER LUNGS BEEN SO DESPERATE FOR AIR. May shot up from her bed with her eyes desperately searching the room for some familiarity but a blurry fog coated her vision. Hands planted onto her shoulders, trying to make her lay down once more and she blinked away the blur to find a woman standing over her, clad in a nurse uniform.

"You're alright. Ms. Stonehart you are in the Institue. You are safe from all threats." The nurse explained formally, trying to get the girl to calm down.

May shrugged her hands off of her and looked around and sighed. She scouted the large infirmary, carefully eyeing each bed to find them all empty. She didn't see Luke or anyone else in the room, hurt like her. She sighed gratefully.

They must have taken Luke somewhere else other than the Institute and she knew that she'd call them as soon as she got to a phone. "How long have I been out?" She asked as she kicked her feet over the side of the bed with a wince.

"Only a couple hours. You've healed extremely fast and it seems that you still have some internal wounds." The nurse added, writing down some things on a tablet she cradled in her hands.

"Okay, thanks, now I'm leaving." She nodded, getting up and looking down at her outfit. She was happy to see that her outfit was still on her body before she got out of bed and grabbed her jacket that hung on the corner of the footboard. She just now needed answers.

"Ms. Stonehart-" " I feel fine, I'll check in later if it really matters to you but I'm fine, I need to talk to a Lightwood, any of them." She waved off as the woman followed after her, desperately trying to keep up with the girl's long strides.

The nurse pointed out the large doors and down the hall, to the right and May waved her a thank you before she followed the directions and found herself leaning on the door to Alec's room, where the two Lightwoods were talking. "Hey, guys."

Izzy spun on her heels and smiled. "May! what are you doing up?" She asked as May walked over to give Izzy a hug. She sunk into it with a relieved smile. She really needed a hug at that moment.

She shook her head and sighed. "I'm fine." Izzy placed a finger under her chin to take a look at the dark bruise that had formed on her jaw, thanks to the pistol-wipe that caught off gaurd.

"Last time you said that you were dying," Alec said, his arm crossed over his chest as he looked down at her. She rolled her eyes and ignored the huge headache that was brain-rattle-worthy.

She waved him off. "I am fine. Besides, I should be asking about Luke, he was the one who fought an Alpha. Have either of you talked to Jace or Clary?" She asked.

Isabelle rose a brow and turned to Alec. "Their not exactly on speaking terms at the moment." She muttered.

May slumped her shoulders and tipped her head to look at Alec dramatically. "You're kidding. Another fight?" She asked. Alec looked away, letting out a puff of air. He knew he was going to hear about it sooner or later.

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