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THE FIVE SHDOWHUNTERS WALKED into the Institute as Clary threw her hands up in frustration

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THE FIVE SHDOWHUNTERS WALKED into the Institute as Clary threw her hands up in frustration. "I still don't understand. How can Shadowhunters be better than what you people call mundanes?" She turned to the group behind her.

Clary was really getting on May's nerves. The whole car ride back, she had been whining, not panicking, whining the whole time about what to do. The girl didn't understand this world and just like back in the loft she asked question after question, not helping the situation at hand. May tried to understand but she just couldn't deal with Clary when she was like this. She never could, even when growing up the girls didn't agree often when it came to arguments.

"Because we protect humans," Isabelle explained.

"You're right. Humans. You protect humans. You left Simon all alone in the van. Great job, guys. You rock." Clary spat and May drew the line there.

"Hey. You of all people can't be going around and criticizing other people's work right now. Simon is missing and we should be working on getting him back. They want the cup and last time I checked we don't have it. So keep your 'constructive criticism' to yourself and give us a minute to think of a solution." May snapped.

Clary's glared at her best friend and took a step forward. "Do you even care about Simon?" She asked, her tone whiney and childish.

May took a step back, genuinely hurt by the girl's accusation. "Oh my God." She sighed at the girl's immaturity and pinched her nose bridge. She turned away from the younger redhead and rolled her eyes. Neither of them knew when this argument started but they were in it and the eldest one was too stubborn to back down from it.

"Look, they won't do anything to Simon. They just wanted to draw you out. They want the Cup, and they think you have it." Jace explained.

"But why do they think that? Why does anyone think that? What, my mom lies to me my entire life except, Oh, by the way, there's this magic cup, I hid on, like the planet Bongo, but don't tell anyone. What am I supposed to do now?"

"We have to report to the Clave." Alec shrugged.

"Great," Jace grumbled.

"They have to know what we learned about Valentine," Alec added, ignoring Jace's muttering and heading to the heart of the Institute.

"What, that he's my father? Great. Fine. Tell them. What good does that do Simon?" Clary asked.

May took a step forward calmly. "Red, this place is a system. We can't do what we want when we want. And besides, it's all connected. The vamps want the Cup." She explained but it flew over Clary's head.

"Why? It makes new Shadowhunters." She shrugged.

"Nobody wants Valentine forming an army loyal to himself." Alec sighed, putting his hands in his pockets and leaning against the brick wall behind him. "Plus, it controls demons."

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