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IN THE HEART OF THE INSITUTE, MAGNUS AND CLARY WERE ALREADY SEATED, awaiting the start of the meeting they'd been called to

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IN THE HEART OF THE INSITUTE, MAGNUS AND CLARY WERE ALREADY SEATED, awaiting the start of the meeting they'd been called to. May exited the training room. A heavy sigh sounded from May at the foot of the stairs. Jace met her at the bottom and they stood together in silence for a moment of dread. They shared a look.

"You ready?" May asked. Jace shook his head.


"Yeah, me neither."

Silently, they both agreed to go up to the table together in order to face the girl that neither wanted to see.

"Morning." Clary greeted. 

Jace sat down. "Morning. You just came from training?"

"Yeah. I'm working on my right hook."

"Good. That's-that's a good punch."

"Yeah. I'm working on it."

Magnus and May share a smile and she chose to sit beside him. He's one of the few people right now that May could stand as she turned to Magnus for help while in Chicago.

"While this conversation is no doubt scintillating remind me why we couldn't do this at my place? At least here we'd have cocktails." The warlock explained.

May sighed at the thought. "Oh, that sounds so good right now."

Magnus motioned to her to emphasize his point but Clary just looked at the duo strangely. "It's 9:00 in the morning."

"Oh, It's happy hour somewhere, my dear." Magnus cooed.

May smiled at the man. "9 in the morning is my happy hour." Magnus looked at her impressed. "You must come over sometime then." He winked at the girl.

"Just give me a call." She smirked.

Jace broke up the harmless flirting and turned to the topic at hand. "We invited you here, Magnus, because Hodge can't leave the Institute. He's an important part of this mission."

"Well, then where is our tardy little tutor? There are certain individuals that I'd like to avoid, so let's make this quick." Magnus instructed.

He gave May a knowing look and they both agreed they wanted to avoid the same person. May then realized there were many people she was trying to avoid and she should just take some random field assignment to get away from everyone.

"Pardon the delay, Magnus. I was following up on a lead." Hodge spoke as he walked in to join the meeting he called. "Now, we've narrowed down our list of warlocks to these three." He swiped his tablet and sent the pictures to the large screen in front of the group. Three warlocks that all looked very powerful covered the screen and Magnus scoffed.

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