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MAY SANK DEEPER INTO HER SOFT SHEETS, letting her legs get tangled up with the comforter

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MAY SANK DEEPER INTO HER SOFT SHEETS, letting her legs get tangled up with the comforter. Thanks to the welcoming room, the gorgeous stained windows, and the complete silence from the city, May was able to get a solid couple of hours of sleep with no hellish nightmare. Sure, her last few days she had only slept a total of four. She was too busy training, skipping meals, and reading anything she could get her hands on in the library --But this felt like a reward. Like she deserved to sleep just for one full night before she was back to a couple of days of heavy training and whatever Clary was going to drag her into.

And like Beetlejuice, just at the mention of her name the young redhead had appeared suddenly. She had swung the door to her room wide open, the door hitting the wall behind it. Clary ran over to her figure and started to shake the girl aggressively.

"M." She tried but got nothing out of it. "M!" She tried again with a hard jab to her arm, only getting incoherent groans from under the fabric. "Mayla!" She snapped before pulling the sheets back and off of her. May curled up from the sudden cool air that hit her legs.

"What?" She grumbled.

"I saw Mom," Clary said simply. May opened an eye and didn't see the big deal since her mom gave her the necklace. She was bound to her if she thought of her and touched it. That was the point of it, right?

"And Valentine."

That's when May she shot up and out of bed before grabbing the necklace and inspecting it.

"In this?" She asked looking at the harmless portal shard. She held it up, letting soft light from the window shine through the purple gem.

It was dark, the magic within it swirled around fluorescently like glitter had been trapped inside.

"Yeah, he was standing over Mom and he looked right at me and said something about my Mom for the Cup."

May had a million questions come to her but the first one that came to mind was. "Is she okay?"

Clary nodded. "Y-yeah, she's asleep, floating --it was weird but it seems like Valentine can't get to her," Clary confirmed and May let out a relieving sigh. The sleep potion did its job. Dot was a genius...

And the next question came. "Did you see anything else? You know, like pictures or writing on the base walls? Anything that can help us find him?" She asked.

Clary just ran her hands through her hair and shook her head, hating how she was being grilled with questions.

"If you do remember anything let someone know, okay?" She asked. "Any detail can help us find her. Anything." She emphasized.

She palmed the gem, letting it rest in her soft hand as she asked. "What did Jace say about it?"

"I haven't told him yet."

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