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ALEC AND MAY SNUCK IN THROUGH THE SIDE DOOR of the Institute, getting into the now empty training room

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ALEC AND MAY SNUCK IN THROUGH THE SIDE DOOR of the Institute, getting into the now empty training room. Alec pressed the button on the wall and the shelf of weapons slid out smoothly.

May walked to the other side and looked at the very bottom to see that there was a whole set of knives that must have been untouched for months. May clutched them in her hand, the accuracy rune dancing in the light on each blade.

The fingerless gloves that sat next to the blades, made a set and she slid them on. She wouldn't have ugly cuts and scabs on her palms anymore. She had always wanted a pair. She'd be sad when she'd need to part with them.

She walked over to the table where Alec had placed his bow. May picked it up gently and examined it carefully. Finally, some interesting weapons, she thought. Alec watched the girl attentively, about to tell her to put down the weapon but didn't bother as he moved on to the task of runing his arrows. He ran his stele along the shaft of the arrows, making them glow, giving them the power to kill downworlders properly, turning them into gold dust.

"Haven't shot one of these in a while." May sighed, speaking quieter as if worried about getting caught.

The boy rose a brow. "You know how?"

May placed the bow back down and leaned against the table. "I've been trained to be able to use any weapon. My mentor, Luke, taught me. He was able to teach me everything, except for the bow. It's something he never got the hang of, and I had to teach him."

Alec didn't take his focus off the arrow in his hand but was still listened. "Then why use push daggers, and throwing knives?"

"I work better with duel blades. And throwing knives have the same need for accuracy as a bow would." May shrugged. "They just seem more interesting. Not as boring as Seraph blades and swords."

The raven-haired boy spared her a nod of understanding before they fell into silence and May let out a deep breath. She ran her fingers over the bow, admiring it.

The one she used to practice with Luke was a lot cheaper. This one didn't just look good but felt good to hold in her hand. It was dense but balanced. Strong and well built. She lowered the weapon down before taking advantage of the calm moment.

She crouched down, placing her hands on the table and resting her chin on her stacked hands. She closed her eyes, all the exhaustion from the past few days hitting her all at once.

The demon venom, the constant need to be on her feet. Even the three demons she killed at the Pandemonium Club took an effect on her now. She had the undying need to take a long nap. She dozed off for a second before shooting up to her feet, waking herself up quickly.

"You okay?" Alec asked, watching the girl's internal fight to stay awake.

She rubbed her eyes. "Yeah, just tired." She sighed honestly.

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