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«——— CHAPTER ONE ———»

MAY TAPPED HER FOOT ON THE TILE FLOOR rhythmically as she laughed at the boy in front of her who was flamboyantly telling her a story

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MAY TAPPED HER FOOT ON THE TILE FLOOR rhythmically as she laughed at the boy in front of her who was flamboyantly telling her a story. He pushed up round-framed glasses with his hand before propping them up defensively. Speaking clearly over the chatter of the small cafe they sat in. Java Jones, best coffee in the city, according to the to trio.

"I'm just saying," he said. "When the aliens take over and they start to eat our brains, Mayla Stone will be the one to save all our asses." He declared, the sci-fi movie he fell asleep watching the night before was really going to his head. 

Simon was a nerd through and through. Though he was a part of a band which made him appear a little cooler. In May's eyes, he was the perfect combination of sweet, empathetic, and funny. May considered him the best person she knew.

She scoffed and took a sip of her sweet coffee, the smell of coffee beans and sugar filling her nose. "Simon, don't be ridiculous. What would I do in a situation like that? Computer code them to death?" She asked him, now making him scoff.

"Are you kidding? You can kick anyone's ass. Remember my freshman year, Jessica Carlin?" He asked.

"I've spent three years hearing about it, Si. Trust me, I can't forget."

"That is because it was awesome. St. Xaviers will forever talk about it as the best thing to ever happen there."

"Oh god."

She did not want to think about her senior year when she fought Jessica Carlin because she had bad-mouthed Clary and Simon. She had tossed the preppy blonde on her ass in front of the whole school and principal. She had half of the student body cheering for her.

She was suspended from school for five days after that. The punishment for May later involved detail cleaning the entire loft, even though Jocelyn was secretly proud of her efforts to protect Clary.

The doors to Java Jones creaked open to let in some of the humid air from outside. Their best friend walked in with a frown on her face and her big art portfolio in her hand.

Simon sat up straight as she walked in but let his smile fall when he saw the redhead pouting at the admissions letter in her hand.

The Brooklyn Academy of Art invited Clary for an admissions interview for their art program. Simon and May had been waiting patiently for Clary to come with her news, ready to either celebrate or mope with her over some coffee and pastries.

"Give me the professors' names and I-I will end them." Simon threatened darkly. Clary gave him a surprised look and he corrected himself, his harmless demeanor appearing once again. "You know, with... with a scathing e-mail to the Dean."

May shrugged her shoulders cooly and leaned on the table intimidatingly. "I'll knock some teeth in if you want me to."

"Don't bother." She threw the envelope and letter onto the table. The big words on the top of the letter were bold and bright red.

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