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MAY CAMPED OUT IN THE training room for most of the day, pushing herself to get better

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MAY CAMPED OUT IN THE training room for most of the day, pushing herself to get better. She pushed herself so far that she now laid on the bench on the side of the room, her sweater over her face as she kept Clary company as she tried to work with a bamboo bo staff. She would get up to help her but she was too tired, her muscles were sore and honestly, she was in love with the bench that pressed into her muscles just right.

"How do you do this?" Clary asked getting the combo May showed her all wrong. The large stick fumbled into her hands and clattered to the floor. She picked back up with a huff.

"Angelic power." She answered, her face still covered with her sweater.

Alec walked into the training room and picked up a bow. "Looks like we're stuck with each other." Clary sighed, seeing as he stepped up to the platform.

May threw her hands in the air dramatically. "Clary, I've been stuck with ass for seven years. Trust me, I know." May groaned, unaware of the boy that had walked into the room. The boy Clary was actually talking to.

"She was talking to me, and my condolences," Alec said looking at the girl sprawled out on the bench dramatically. Though he wouldn't say it aloud, the girl's tone for the dramatics at the moment definitely lightened his mood just a little.

"Hey, Pretty Boy!" She put her hand up and waved in the wrong direction, not bothering to even turn to him. Clary gave the boy a look and he just rose a brow not fazed by the nickname. He didn't give her an explanation so she moved on.

"For what it's worth, I think your mom was too tough on you out there." She said.

"Mothers are like that." Alec shrugged.

"Mine's not. Go ahead. Knock me on my ass. You'll feel better." Clary offered.

"Don't make me say you're right about something. Plant your feet wide." He instructed, pointing at her feet with the bo. Clary got into her stance and May suddenly shot up from her seat, pulling her sweater off her head to watch.

"Why did you let your mom say all those awful things about Izzy?" She asked. Alec slowly attacked her, letting her block it.

"Don't step into the strike. Step through it." He motioned. "Izzy was out of bounds. The law is hard but it's the law. Even I forget that sometimes."

"So, you're just gonna let her send Jace out instead of you?"

Alec attacked but Clary was quick to block it. "If I screw up, I expect to be punished. I'm supposed to be a leader."

Clary pushed him away, they circle around and May rolled her eyes at the lack of action. "You know what a leader does, Alec? Makes decisions. You need to find Valentine and stop him. I need to find Valentine and help save my mother."

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