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MAY WALKED INTO THE TRAINING ROOM shrugging her leather jacket on

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MAY WALKED INTO THE TRAINING ROOM shrugging her leather jacket on. Around the main weapons table, the Lightwood siblings were sorting their weapons.

May walked up to the shelf and picked up the set of throwing knives. She slipped on the fingerless gloves and brought the knives to the table and checked the blade's balance. She then moved back to the shelf and grabbed a seraph blade, attaching it to her holster. She moved from the shelf to the table so smoothly it was like it just came naturally to her.

The whole time, the Lightwoods watched the girl as she moved around the training room. She looked up and saw both looking at her. "What?" She asked.

"You look amazing." Izzy smiled, seeing the girl's outfit all put together.

"Thanks, you do too," May said. She pointed the blade between the two siblings. "The both of you."

Isabelle picked up one of Alec's arrows before having it taken out of her hands and placed back on the table.

"What's wrong with you?" She asked her brother. She hated seeing him all miserable and grumpy.


Both girls looked at the boy and waited for the real answer. "We're going to a Downworlder's rave. You should be a little more excited." Isabelle sighed walking over to the shelf of weapons.

"It's a mission, not a party." Alec corrected.

"Yeah, whatever." She turned to May. "Before you and Clary got here, every day was the same. Go on a mission, kill demons. Go on a mission, kill demons. At least now things are interesting." She said.

May smiled as she thought of the life she could've had if Clary never found about this world. She thought about the home and family she could've had, they would be safe and normal. But then she looked around her and smiled, knowing damn well that she would never want to be anywhere else, doing anything else.

"Interesting?" Alec asked looking up from his weapon. "Valentine is alive and actively seeking the Cup. He threatens our entire world. And we're helping his daughter. Who, by the way, we have no reason to trust. And who showed up out of nowhere. On top of that, we're gonna end up overpaying some warlock who may or may not have information we need. So, no, Izzy... I don't find it interesting." Alec rambled.

May and Izzy shared a look. "Jeez." May chuckled. She did hear the whole 'can't trust Clary' part but the boy was way too distraught for her to correcting him and starting something.

"Feel better now?" Isabelle asked.

"No, I don't." He grumbled. Izzy stared him down before he smiled. "Okay, maybe a little." He corrected.

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