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THE BACK DOORS OF THE BAND VAN WERE WIDE OPEN and the four sorted themselves out after Maureen's and Simon's gig

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THE BACK DOORS OF THE BAND VAN WERE WIDE OPEN and the four sorted themselves out after Maureen's and Simon's gig. They had performed a few songs and got a round of applause from the whole crowd --standing ovation really-- but when Maureen stepped off the stage she didn't seem very happy with the way Simon looked at Clary during the whole show and was kind of moody as she got herself ready for the club.

May perched herself on the bumper of the van that was parked just in front of the doors to the Pandemonium Club. She watched the people walking in and out of the colorfully lit building.

There were couples and groups of friends walking in... and stumbling out from the large lit-up entrance. Two boys wandered out, tugging on each other, not even waiting to get to the car before locking lips.

There was an older man wearing a nice suit who had a younger woman under his arm. He seemed really pleased with her company.

There was also a group of friends, all obviously underaged, who were going to be stopped the second they stepped up to the door but they looked the part. Eccentric outfits and all. The Pandemonium always lured the most diverse crowd. And most dangerous.

"Thanks for being our roadies." Maureen thanked as she leaned against the open van door.

"No problem. It's honest work." May shrugged waving her off sarcastically.

Simon turned to Clary. "Yeah, and thank you for being our artist in residence." He said before handing May his glasses and slipping off his band t-shirt so he could change into something nicer. May put on the glasses to free her hands and watched Clary and Maureen gawk at the shirtless boy, who didn't notice the girls drooling over him.

Simon looked past May and into the van, pointing at the second shirt he brought to wear for the rest of the night. "Grab that for me?"

"Sure thing."

He planted his hands on her lap to keep her grounded as she stretched as far back as she could to grab it.

Both Maureen and Clary sent the two a look, going completely unnoticed by the best friends. May threw the shirt at the boy's face and he just sent her a glare.

Clary shook herself out of her thoughts and asked "So, you went on stage tonight as Champagne Enema." She sighed, ready for the horrible name to be changed once again.

It was something that happened often. The band seemed to change their name more than they ever actually performed. As bizarre as it may have sounded, Champagne Enema was one of their better name choices.

The group laughed at the name and shook their heads. "What were we thinking, right?" Maureen asked as she crossed her arms over her chest.

"But now we are Rock Solid Panda," Simon announced.

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