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THE LOFT ITSELF STOOD IN ONE PIECE. It was dirty, trashed and not a single thing was standing straight but overall better than what May had expected. The Circle was destructive and she knew that it was going to be searched multiple times, but man, seeing her home completely trashed hurt her deeply.

Then they walked down the simple hallway and turned into Clary's room. Clary gasped as she placed a hand on the charred door frame. The whole room was completely destroyed, covered in ash and any identifiable object was gone.

Clary's room was the perfect example of an artsy room. Covered with murals and drawings. Everything she had to decorate her room was something she found in small shops and cute boutiques.

Her room was beautiful, something Mayla envied but now.... well, the room was black, everything melted away into something unrecognizable. It was like Clary never stepped foot in there.

"Wow," May whispered as she walked around the room that Clary grew up in.

"Holy crap, Clary. Who torched your loft? Yeah, I can see this, too." Simon snarked.

May kicked at one of the books that lied on the floor and she gasped in realization. She brushed past Simon and ran across the hall to take a look at her room.

It was gone. Everything. Her desk that was piled high with mythology books and computer science textbooks was burnt or tossed aside. Her bed, the large antique one in the corner, now laid on the floor, utterly torn apart from the heat of the flames.

She may not have had much of a personality in her room like Clary. Her walls weren't covered in posters and she didn't have any pictures hung up but it was her home, her own safe space. It hurt to see that it had been taken away from her.

As she took a step into the room her eyes fell to the opened doors to her closet. On the floor laid the wooden box she kept hidden deep inside. It was firewood now, the runes carved into the sides of it were illegible and if she didn't know any better would not have recognized it as the box that hid her other life for so many years.

She swallowed the lump that formed in the back of her throat and bit her lip.

"Hey. M, you okay?" Simon asked, standing at Clary's door.

May shrugged. "Yeah." She sighed and walked over to Simon and rested her arm on the boy's shoulder. "It's all gone." She spoke nonchalantly, not letting some objects from another life get the best of her.

Alec watched the girl from across the room. Though Simon nodded, believing her claim, Alec saw her spare one more glance out into the hall. A sad look in her dark eyes as she turned back, her eyes meeting his. She looked away quickly, not wanting him to read her.

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