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People fell one by one, their weapons flying out of their hands. They winced in pain as the crowd cheered.

The final opponent hit the floor and she took off her blindfold, making the large crowd of shadowhunters who watched from the outskirts of the training room cheer and clap.

May curtsied jokingly before helping all five of her opponents off the ground. She complimented them on the technique before she started to clean up.

The crowd dispersed and a slow clapping filled the now empty room. May rolled her eyes, she started to put the weapons away.

"Come on Cam, you know that was impressive." She spoke confidently, knowing that she has gotten better with her heightened senses.

The brunette shrugged and before putting away the dual swords back onto the shelf. "Well, you got weak opponents, you had it easy." May sent him a glare and the brunet winked.

It's been only a couple of weeks since May has arrived at the Chicago Institute and she's already accelerated in her career and training.

She has been working all her waking hours, taking all their unsolved cases and closing them. She has been researching and cleaning up the Chicago Institute's entire system making it easier for them to work with.

She also ate three meals a day, slept a good amount of hours each night and had herself back to health.

She had no distractions, no unauthorized missions... She had no fun.

May wasn't allowed to get another phone after she smashed her last one and was kept under strict rules after she found out what she was.

Sure, it itched in the back of the girl's mind, not knowing what going on in New York but she kept telling herself it was for the better. She was working on herself and trying to keep the Clave's trust even after the night she finally opened that tarot card to find out what was inside.

May watched the boy sort out the weapons on the shelf.

Cameron Karlyle, her old friend and ex-parabatai— as they like to call it. May never thought she was going to see him again as when they were little, Cameron always talked about leaving Chicago to peruse a honorable job in Idris but it seemed that he never went for it.

He still had his scar that ran across his nose bridge, but this time, instead of it looking childish and cute, almost too big for his features. It now looked good on him, it suited his bigger build... it just didn't match his personality. Which was sweet and jokey, never taking a situation seriously.

The boy gave her a side-eye and tilted his head to the side. "What?"

May leaned on the pillar beside her dramatically. "I wanna know what going on over there. It's killing me." She dragged.

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