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HER EYES STAYED FIXED ON THE LARGE WOODEN DOORS, leading to the grueling ceremony that she had no idea if she would be able to endure

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HER EYES STAYED FIXED ON THE LARGE WOODEN DOORS, leading to the grueling ceremony that she had no idea if she would be able to endure.

Her stunning green dress swayed back and forth as she paced in uncertainty, the soft fabric brushing over her. Having already arrived late, she didn't want to set a bad image for herself by entering halfway through the ceremony. But also, she was inviting by Izzy, who told her that she should come, be there for Alex's big moment.

Feeling stupid for having thought she could actually do this, she stood there.

She heard footsteps come down the hallway. She jumped when she saw a certain warlock walking over to her, shaking his head disapprovingly. "Oh, dear. Why aren't you in there, it has already started." He said while he glanced at his watch.

"I can't- I can't go in there. The past few weeks I knew- I knew how a felt and I didn't do anything about it and now he's getting married and I'm standing out here like a moron-"

Magnus cupped her face in his hands, trying to get her full attention.

"Mayla, my dear. The way that boy looks at you is something I haven't seen in a very long time. He's head over heels for you," he smiled softly... "now, you just have to go get him before he does something he'll regret."

May didn't have a chance to refuse or stop the warlock before the blue magic sparked from his finger tips and the doors swung open with an echoed bang as the heavy wood slammed against the walls.

Her head turned to the open doors, to the opportunity in front of her.

There were so many uncertainties. Whether he felt the same, or if he even liked her at all in that way. Whether he was willing to throw everything he was building away for someone like her.

She looked back to Magnus and swallowed her fear. "It's worth trying, right?" She asked.

Magnus smiled, before gently pushing her to the door. That was what she needed. She knew that if she didn't do it now she never would. And she would regret it for the rest of her life... always thinking what if?

She held her head up, rolled her hands into fists, pulled her shoulder back and strode into the large room with all the confidence she could muster up.

As she did she found that all eyes turned to her. Gasps were heard in the crowd and she almost regretted her decision. Almost.

Across the room, May's eyes met Alec's, and it was like the worry had vanished. She unrolled her fists and took another step forward. Though it sounded cliche, cheesy really, she couldn't help but feel the floor beneath her shift as she looked at him from afar.

She didn't see anyone else, she didn't care for anyone else. All she saw was the boy that stood at the alter, trying with everything inside him to catch the breath she had taken away from him.

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