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MAY SAT IN THE NICELY UPHOLSTERED CHAIR in the loft living room next to a pacing Clary, who was trying to make sense of everything she just witnessed earlier that night

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MAY SAT IN THE NICELY UPHOLSTERED CHAIR in the loft living room next to a pacing Clary, who was trying to make sense of everything she just witnessed earlier that night.

May clenched her hands around her head, her shaking her leg; she tried to keep her breathing steady as she tried not to snap at Clary. All of this was new to her. She didn't understand. Despite telling herself that repeatedly, she could not stand the girl's whining.

"...And then these creepy tentacles seemed to come out of the bodybuilder's face, and then the guy just vaporized. I mean, I was drugged, right?" Clary asked turning to her mother who watched her daughter closely.

Jocelyn hadn't spoken since Clary walked into the loft in a nauseous panic and May gave her a look she hadn't expected.

"What did the markings look like on the blond boy you were talking about?" Jocelyn asked finally making eye contact with the older redhead. With a gentle nod, May gave the woman the answer she needed. Jocelyn looked at Clary, still wanting a response from her daughter so she could begin the conversation she had wanted to start eight hours ago.

"Who cares, Mom, okay? Are you even listening to me? I think I killed a guy!" She snapped.

"Clary, did they look like this?" Jocelyn asked before pulling out a stele, like the one she gifted to Clary earlier that day, and scanning it over her skin, making a rune appear on her wrist. Clary's eyes went wide and she froze in place. "Mom, what the..."

"Everything you saw tonight has a meaning and an explanation, and I've dreaded having this conversation with you since the day you were born," Jocelyn sighed sadly, looking down at her daughter who was shaking under her touch.

"What is going on? Am I going insane?" She asked. Clary's head was spinning, her whole belief system just flew out the window as she had seen things common sense- that science- could never explain.

Dot and May exchanged glances. "Go get it." She demanded. May nodded before she shot up from her seat and heading down the hall. She turned down the hall and stepped into her bedroom and swallowed the tense muscle in her throat. She looked at her closet and sighed. She had been dreading this moment for as long she could remember. She always knew that the only way Clary could ever be told the truth would be like this, in the midst of chaos.

She pulled out the wooden chest from the floor of her closet and took out a set of leather straps, that hold her blades and stele securely on her thigh. She strapped the holster tightly on her right thigh securing her blades, the weapons glamoured to the mundane eye. She took a deep breath as she stared into the box and watched the green glow of a small round bottle. A bottle just for emergencies.

She took it and ran out into the living room once more, dropping the bottle in Dot's hand. Dot smiled at the girl and ran rubbed her arm comfortingly, not knowing what could happen next to either of them.

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