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CLARY AND JACE WERE IN THE OTHER ROOM and May knew what was came with dealing a Greater Demon

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CLARY AND JACE WERE IN THE OTHER ROOM and May knew what was came with dealing a Greater Demon. Alec, Izzy, and Jace already have the rune that protected them from their magic but May and Clary didn't.

May sat on the couch her back facing Alec, who had a stele in his hand and was ready to draw the painful rune on her shoulder blade. Clary was already screaming bloody murder in the other room and May took a deep breath.

"Ready?" Alec asked watching the girl carefully.

"Yeah. I've dealt with worse." May nodded, talking to herself more than to anyone else.

She swallowed her nerves. "Ready." Alec placed on hand in the center of her shoulder blades, sending chills up her spine. Then, the burning pain came and it took everything in May for her not to jump away from his touch.

She dug her nails into her palms and kept her mouth shut as her skin sizzled under the stele. Like he was peeling her skin away, he whole back burned.

Alec moved his hand from her back to her waist, to keep her still as he only got done with the first line. If she didn't know any better she would have thought that Alec just took a lighter and pressed the hot flame against her skin.

She whimpered, letting a tear run down her cheek, the pain making it feel like her back was on fire. She kept her face straight and clenched her teeth so tight they were sore. She refused to show weakness in something so simple.

Clary, on the other hand... didn't. Her screaming from the other room did not help the girl's efforts of staying quiet. Only when she stopped and the apartment went silent it was noticeable how withdrawn she had been.

Finally, the quiet sound of her skin sizzling stopped and Alec nodded. "I'm done." She drew a dramatic breath and shot up from her seat. She spun around to face the boy. She flicked the exposed skin on his hand, a childish expression on her face as she did so. "That's my payback." She explained pointing a finger at him.

"You showed me." Alec teased with a raised brow.

May dropped back down on the couch and sighed, she leaned her head back closed her eyes. "That sucked." She muttered.

"You did good." Alec complemented, almost awkwardly as he looked at the girl sit back.

She aimlessly hit his arm lightly. "Thanks, Pretty Boy." She said, a smile slowly pulled at her lips, hearing him sigh beside her. "Finally found that nickname."

The boy smirked, taking advantage of the fact that the girl had her eyes closed. But his eyes met with Izzy's. Who gave him a knowing look. His smirk fell quickly.

"You did great, May." Izzy complimented, who watched her brother. "Yeah, but never again."

She then remembered someone else had to go through the pain too. "Hey, Red, you alive in there?" She asked. Jace came back and sat down on the couch. "She's okay." He confirmed.

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