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THE PONYTAIL IN A POWER SUIT STRUTTED PAST ALEC AND MAY and walked right into the heart of the Institute where Maryse and Izzy were walking into the room to see what all the commotion was about

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THE PONYTAIL IN A POWER SUIT STRUTTED PAST ALEC AND MAY and walked right into the heart of the Institute where Maryse and Izzy were walking into the room to see what all the commotion was about. Lydia smiled condescendingly. "Maryse. The Clave has ordered me to take temporary control of this Institute."

May rolled her eyes and took the chance to go and pick up the blade she so rudely left on the ground.

Maryse stepped down the stairs. "Wait a minute. Nobody informed us."

"The Clave doesn't need to. And, to repeat myself, it's temporary. Nothing's been decided yet. But I do need full clearance in order to assess how this Institute is running." She activated the command system with her stele, not even bothering to let the take over be somewhat classy.

"Where are Clary Fairchild and Mayla Stonehart?" She asked.

The room fell silent and before anyone could say anything she spoke again. "I would hope someone here knows."

Mayla faked a smile and took a step forward. "I'm Mayla Stonehart." She introduced, holding her hand out for the woman to shake.

She looked down at it with distaste. "I see." She looked May up and down, clearly judging her. The redhead had to dig her nails into her palm to keep her face straight.

"And where is Clary Fairchild?" She asked, looking at the girl like she's talking to a child. May took another step forward, her eyes shining with hostility but before she could speak Alec took a step forward.

"She's in the field, training." He explained, giving May a side-eye to tell her to relax.

"You're telling me she's just... out and about in the streets of New York? Valentine's daughter?"

May was going to go in again but Alec held onto her wrist gently, giving her the silent warning. She let out a puff of air in defeat and did her best to stay silent, knowing that even though the two didn't exchange any words, Alec was right.

"Isn't she also your cousin?" Izzy asked. Her arms crossed over her chest as she glared at the woman.

"Distant cousin."

"She's with Jace," Alec explained some more.

"The same Jace Wayland who decided to lead an unsanctioned raid against the Vampires?" She asked, catching Maryse off guard, Lydia then nodded. "I've read reports."

May chuckled under her breath in disbelief and followed the woman, now wanting to defend the boy who's did nothing but protect her best friend.

Maryse jumped to the chance first.

"Jace might be unconventional, but he's our best soldier. If he's with Clary, then she's in good hands."

"I hope so." She chimed. "And for your sake, all of New York. All of your jurisdiction better be well protected." She stood on the stairs to the training room, her head held high.

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