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«--- CHAPTER SIX ---»

ISABELLE HAD LEFT MAY ON HER OWN to work on a report for the Clave

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ISABELLE HAD LEFT MAY ON HER OWN to work on a report for the Clave. She was surprised at how quickly they responded. Due to the letter's signature, she assumed they wanted to know her past whereabouts since it was signed with the last name Stonehart. Anything she knew about the Circle and its sudden rise in activity just weeks before Clary and May showed up on the Institute's doorstep.

The redhead sent the fairly simple report on what she knew. Unfortunately, there wasn't much she could really say. While growing up with the Frays, it was the one thing she always hated. If she ever wanted to know anything, if she ever had questions about who she is, who her mother really is-for any answers she ever wanted, she had to work for them. Conditions were attached. If she did as she was told, she would be clued in. Always kept at arm's length. As the Clave wanted to know just as much as she did, she realized how little she knew.

"What is going on? Why is there a mundane in the Institute?" A voice asked loudly from across the room. Probably Alec's. The tone was brimmed with annoyance.

May made her way to the group and stopped when she saw Simon looking absolutely out of place. Before tackling him into a hug, she cheered, "Simon!". It was in her head that she was worried he or Maureen might've gotten hurt.

Clary and she had been unconscious for two days since Clary's birthday as they recovered from the demon venom. With the Circle members' attack, and May not present to protect them, anything could have happened.

"M! Thank god you're okay." He sighed as he squeezed the girl tight.

"I could say the same thing. I was so worried." May sighed.

May pushed his glasses up, her hands resting on his shoulders. She turned to see both Jace and Alec staring. "What?" She asked.

Jace blinked at her before he turned to Alec to answer his question. "A Circle member followed him to get to Clary."

"A Circle rune, just like the guys that took my mother," Clary added.

"What exactly is a Circle member and why are they trying to kill us?" Simon asked.

"All we know is a long time ago the Circle led a revolt. A lot of Shadowhunters got killed including my father." Jace explained his voice fading a little.

May's smile fell, seeing the look of pain wave over his feature for just a second. Her mother may have never been the mother of the year but she knew what it was like to lose a parent. It hurt more than words could explain.

"And since the revolt, we've been forbidden to even hear about the Circle," Alec added.

"But, how's that even possible? It's your history." Clary asked.

"Says the girl who didn't know she was a Shadowhunter?" Jace asked amusingly.

Clary gave him a serious look. "Yeah. Yeah, you're right. And now the only person who knows the truth is missing, so I don't care about your rules or what's forbidden, I'm..." She rethought her words before continuing. "There's gotta be someone out there who can tell us why they've taken my mother."

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