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LIGHTS AND SIRENS RANG AS THE GROUP moved away from the main doors to the precinct, watching carefully for demons in the crowd

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LIGHTS AND SIRENS RANG AS THE GROUP moved away from the main doors to the precinct, watching carefully for demons in the crowd. They walked so fast and with such determination that Clary struggled to keep up and called out to her friends. "Guys, slow down."

Clary accidentally bumped into an old woman and made her drop her bag. The old lady didn't go to pick it up, she simply stood there innocently as Clary scattered to pick it up for her while apologizing. "Oh, I am so sorry." Clary apologized as she handed the old, batted bag back to the woman.

When she looked back up to the unresponsive woman she gasped. The woman's jaw unhinged to reveal sharp claw-like teeth that soaked were soaked in venom and shined in the flashing cruiser lights.

Jace turned around and held his arms out for a hug. "Grandma." He exclaimed, then faked a hug and pushed his blade through her chest, making her turn to dust.

"What the hell?" Clary huffed.

"Language. Not in front of grandma." He scolded Clary, making light of the situation.

"How did it find us?" Alec asked.

"I don't know..." Jace looked over to see another shapeshifter come out of a police car. "But she brought friends."

The group started to move again and Clary was lost. "How can you tell?"

"It's like seeing through a glamour. You just gotta pay attention to the details." May explained before running ahead to keep up with the group.

Clary spun around. "But I can't see anything." She whined.

"Behind us." Izzy simply answered, referencing the cop that scanned the crowd carefully, bright green eyes shining in the dark.

"I still can't see anything!" Clary huffed again.

Everyone kept themselves on their toes and stopped when another cop appeared in front of them.

"Okay, there's too many people," Clary whispered. Even though she couldn't tell who was a demon and who was not for the life of her she could see that there were too many cops fixated on the group.

"I don't say this often, but I agree with Clary. We gotta get outta here." Alec said, looking around at the crowd that was just growing bigger and bigger, making their own personal game of Where's Waldo much harder.

Clary tapped Jace's arm. "Hey, this way!" She led the group down a large set of stairs before finding a side door. Clary pulled out her stele and turned to May. "What's the unlocking rune again?"

May and Jace share a look before she took a step back and Jace kicked the door open. "Open sesame," Jace answered before motioning to the open door to the electrical room, which should allow them to get across the entire precinct without being seen. "Go." He then headed in and May chuckled.

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