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MAY WALKED INTO THE HEART OF THE INSITUTE, where people were running around hectically planning things for the oh-so-exciting Branwell and Lightwood wedding

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MAY WALKED INTO THE HEART OF THE INSITUTE, where people were running around hectically planning things for the oh-so-exciting Branwell and Lightwood wedding. From flowers to the fabrics May couldn't be more annoyed with what was being shoved in her face.

Sure, it wasn't intentional but every time she heard it mentioned or saw some decoration being hung up she wanted to throw her fist through a wall.

May pushed away the sick feeling that formed in the back of her throat and walked down the stairs to see Jace and Izzy walking over to the large screen.

"We need to focus. Have you narrowed down the list of warlocks more powerful than Magnus Bane?" Jace asked as May joined the group.

"Yeah, I've got it down to 20." May said sternly. "Now we just have to figure out which ones had contact with Jocelyn and cast that spell on her."

She had been working on the list all morning she crammed through it like nothing. 20 was really a dump down from the couple hundred they had before.

"That's gonna be tough," Izzy commented.

"I don't care how tough it is, we've gotta find him. Back at Renwick's, I let Valentine go. I won't make that mistake again. We gotta wake up Jocelyn, in case she heard anything about his plan." Jace explained, holding the same serious expression as the redhead next to him. Izzy scoffed at the who both drowned themselves in their work.

"She should. Dot told me that she can hear everything around her when under, so now she's our key." May nodded, her arms crossed over her chest. She mirrored Jace, their stance, their looks were identical.

Izzy scoffed, finding the fact that they are both hiding their emotions ridiculous. She asked Jace, "Have you spoken to Alec?"

"He's probably busy, what with wedding plans and all." May's heart tensed at Jace's words. "And I don't need to talk to anyone. Let's just stick to the mission, okay?" He asked before storming off.

May watched him leave and sighed. She heard about the news and she couldn't imagine how Jace was feeling.

In Renwick's, when Clary and Jace were face to face with Valentine he had explained that Jace and Clary were brother and sister. That the man that raised Jace for a lot of his childhood was Valentine hiding behind a strong glamour.

After everything the red and Blondie had gone through, the relationship they built. It was probably the worst thing to tell two people were so close.

Her gaze turned to Isabelle who was already giving her a look. "Iz, don't." she warned.

"You need to talk to Alec, May. I see the way you look at him, the way he looks at you. You can't let him go through with this." She begged as May tried to walk away. Of course, the raven-haired girl followed after her.

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