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MAY PACED BACK AND FORTH IN HER ROOM like she was to leave tread marks in the carpet

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MAY PACED BACK AND FORTH IN HER ROOM like she was to leave tread marks in the carpet.

She stressfully muttered under her breath as she tried to get in contact with Clary, who had suddenly disappeared with Jace and Simons's body. May might've jumped too quickly into thinking that Clary would think rationally about Simon and what he would've wanted instead of thinking selfishly.

May had dialed Clary's number a dozen times and every time she had, it had gone to voicemail. She even tried Jace's phone but he didn't pick up either.

She tapped her cell on her lip anxiously as she thought about what Clary would possibly be doing with Simon's body.

There was a knock on the girl's door and she quickly spun around to see Izzy standing there with a worried expression. The raven-haired girl heard about what May did and wanted to thank her for sticking her neck out for her family. But also, She wanted to try to talk her out of it, not wanting her new friend to leave.

"Hey, M." Izzy greeted softly.

"Iz! Please, please, please tell me that you have heard from Jace or Clary." She pleaded.

"No, I haven't seen them all day. Why?" Izzy watched as Mays eyes turned pooled with tears, her face contorting to one of pain.

"May, what's wrong?"

May placed one hand on her hip and the other to her forehead, trying to keep herself from dropping into the deep end.

Right now was not the time to have a panic attack. "I-I think Clary is about to do something she shouldn't." She choked out.

She looked up from the floor and her eyes met Isabelle's. The look in her eyes, the utter concern in May's expression made Izzy think. Then she realized.

Izzy immediately pulled out her phone and tried to call Clary herself. It rang a couple of times before going to voicemail. Izzy lowered the phone from her ear and shook her head. She wasn't answering her either.

May sinking feeling shifted and it started to burn a hole in her chest. She let out a puff of anger, slamming the tarot card she had been staring at on the table, making Izzy jump.

She stormed out of her room, brushing past the girl as she made her way down the hall with her hands shaking.

She ran into the heart of the Institute and stopped at the main monitor. She tried to track the girl with her stele coordinates but the monitor just beeped at her its way of saying. 'I have no idea where she is either, sister.'

Finally, May's phone rang into the palm of her hand. With a frustrated growl, she picked it up.


"Mayla?"  Clary sniffled.

"Clary where's Simon? I swear on the angel if you-" "I messed up, May. I messed up and now he hates me." May froze.

Her lungs emptied of all air and left her choking, trying desperately to breathe as the thought of what Clary did plagued her mind.


"Where are you?" She asked lowly, her anger boiling over. Her teary eyes saw red and not much more.

She was furious.

May didn't know what to be angry about first. The fact that she didn't let her say goodbye to Simon, that fact she buried him without her, the fact that she made the decision of turning him into a vampire. May reminded herself that she needed to breathe.

There have been many times in May's life where she's been furious with Clary. They were like sisters, they fought all the time, and they always made up but this?

This was different.

"I'm in front of the Institute now-" May didn't bother to listen to much else.

She smashed her phone on the floor, breaking her phone completely, before spinning on her heels and storming to the main entrance, Izzy following behind her, not knowing what to say.

She kicked open the front doors, made it down the stairs, and saw the young redhead making her way across the lawn of the building.

May stalked towards her, almost growling under her nose. Her eyes were glowing in fury and her hands were rolled into fists. Clary shrunk into herself, truly terrified of Mayla and the fury that brewed within her.

May pushed Clary away as hard as she could, making her fly and land hard on the grass, almost a dozen feet away.

"HOW COULD YOU?!" May roared with her chest, only pain and anger in her tone.

Clary clambered back with her hands and feet, trying to get away from her but May kept pressing forward, not bothering to listen to Jace and Izzy's calls for her to stop.

She stood over her best friend and dug her nails into her palms to keep herself from doing something she would regret. "YOU BURIED HIM WITHOUT ME. Y-YOU DECIDED TO TURN HIM INTO A VAMPIRE?" May asked in disbelief.

She dove at her, reaching out her hands to strangle her —to do anything to shake so common sense into her,but Jace got a hold of her first and pulled her away.

"HE'S OUR BEST FRIEND, HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO HIM?" May cried, struggling to get out of the blond's arms.

"I'm-I'm sorry." Clary whimpered, cowering back.

"NO. NO! YOU'RE NOT SORRY. YOU ONLY THOUGHT ABOUT YOURSELF." May ripped herself away from Jace's grip.

She stood over Clary, her figure looking small and weak. She was going to do something, she didn't know what, but a voice in her head told her to throw the girl across the lawn, to drag her ass for everything she did tonight but she didn't. She couldn't do it.

Because even though everything in her body told her to tear her down. She looked down and only saw Clary, little Clary, looking up at her in such terror that it was enough.

She just backed away, her eye's still glowing white as she turned her back on Clary, on everything she had been protecting for most of her life, and walked away.

She walked past Isabelle and Jace, who both were saying something to her but she didn't hear them. She just stepped up the stairs and disappeared behind the large door to the Institute where she was ready to pack her things.

May left that night for Chicago, she left notes for the Lightwood siblings and Luke and left one with Rafael to give to Simon, just to finally thank him for everything, before she packed everything in one simple piece of luggage, leaving her room empty as if no one has ever been there.

It was like Mayla never had stepped foot in the Institute, or the group's lives.

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