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ALEC AND MAY STORMED INTO MAGNUS' SHAKING APARTMENT to see the warlock standing over a figure, bandaged and in pain

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ALEC AND MAY STORMED INTO MAGNUS' SHAKING APARTMENT to see the warlock standing over a figure, bandaged and in pain. When they finally got a better look they saw that it was Luke, recoiling in pain as Magnus held him down with magic. May wanted to jump into action and help the warlock but Alec stopped her and ran to the warlock's side.

Clary ran back into the room with Komodo Scale in her hands. She walked over to the small cauldron and looked lost, the shaking of the whole building making her freeze. May ran over and took the ingredient out of her hands and crushed it before dropping it into the cauldron. Mentally thanking Dot for teaching all the basics of magic.

Simon and Jace come running in minutes later with the last of the ingredients and May had them almost thrown at her. She did what she needed to, tearing up the herbs dropping them into the herbal mixture. She then switched from one glass to another before handing it to Clary and she ran off to Luke.

She put the spoon she used to mix the potion on the table. When the floor shook beneath her feet and grabbed onto the table to keep her footing, her hand touched the hot elixir. In a wave of chills, her body was overwhelmed with a force of magic that made her gasp. Her eyes flashed like headlights and it passed just as quickly as it came. She blinked it away and turned back to the group.

Finally, the room stopped shaking and the blue light from Magnus' magic disappeared and everyone was trying to catch their breath. Luke was given the elixir and he had calmed, finally opening his eyes and looking up at Clary.

May walked over to the group to see that it has finally settled down, Magnus had collapsed in Alec's arms, the amount he used draining him completely.

The eldest redhead took the seat at Luke's feet and laughed, grabbing the attention of the whole group. "That was a blast. Can we do it again?" She asked sarcastically. She got a collection of glares and looks her way when Magnus and Luke huffed tiredly.



The group was now helping Magnus clean his apartment as the shaking made a mess everywhere. Most of the day consisted of May sorting ingredients and cleaning up the books that fell off the shelves. Clary and May decided they were going to stay to keep Luke company for a little longer and Alec, for some reason, chose to stay even when he could leave at any time.

May sorted out the books on the shelf. Magnus had the first additions of many famous authors, from George Orwell to Ernest Hemmingway. May wanted to borrow every single one. She was inspecting a first addition F. Scott Fitzgerald when Clary stepped up to the bookshelf with no book in her hand. 

Clary fiddled with the spine of one of the books on the shelf and May looked up to see the redhead wanting to say something but not knowing how to approach it.

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