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The clean and simple envelope sat on Izzy's nicely made bed

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The clean and simple envelope sat on Izzy's nicely made bed. It was hard to miss in such an elegant room. When the girl read the handwriting on the outside of it she knew that inside was a letter from May saying goodbye.

Dear Izzy,

I know that this is probably the crappiest way to say goodbye to someone. Especially with the shit storm of drama that is our life but I don't think I would be able to leave if I had to say goodbye face to face.

I know that leaving like this is wrong and many people probably thought that my resignation was just a bluff-- and maybe a small part of me wanted it to be-- it doesn't matter now. I had to get away from everything that was going on in New York and get myself together.

Trust me when I say I'm not leaving forever. I couldn't stand to be gone for that long. I just need the time to... I don't know for what but I just know I have so many unanswered questions and I don't think I could answer them all in New York.

So, do me a favor and watch out for Clary for me. And Alec too. Please try stopping him before he does something he regrets. You and I both know he deserves so much more and though he's one stubborn piece of work, maybe smacking him around a couple of times will make him realize he has a voice he can use.

As for you-- well, you're perfect. Don't change alright?

Love, M

P.S. Tell Blondie to look after Red for me. I may be pissed but I want her safe.


Luke walked into the Jade Wolf when Alaric handed him an envelope with no words exchanged. He went to ask questions but the man just moved on, not knowing the importance of the goodbye written in it.

Hey, Luke.

I wanted to say goodbye to you in person but I knew that it would've been too hard and your wise words would make me stay. And I really needed to go.

You of all people should know that Clary and I didn't always get along, and I know you, you probably think that I should come back and talk it out with her, to forgive her for her mistakes. But I can't do it this time Luke, she went too far.

I promise I won't be gone for long. I'll come to visit and I'll kick your ass in a one-on-one, but for now, I'm going to be in Chicago, figuring out who I am.

Dramatic, I know. But I've been doing everything for everyone else for too long. I don't know who, or what I am.

I'll actually be doing some detective work for the Chicago Institute, helping them out on missions. I hope you're proud of me for that one. Anyway, I just wanted to let you know where I was going.

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