Chapter 2

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As I walked into the school, I was given a schedule that had my name on it.

"Thanks," I said before going and looking for my first class which was science.

I finally found it three minutes later and sat down at an empty table.

"Hey girl," Sarah said sitting beside me.

I smiled at her as the bell rang thirty seconds later and the teacher closed the door.

"Hello students, welcome to Miami middle my name is Mrs. Lenard," she said.

She was a very young woman who looked to be in her late twenties, early thirties and had long brown hair. She had to be about 5'7".

"I have your locker combinations here so when I call your name, come and get them," she said grabbing a piece of paper from her desk tearing the first piece.

"Sarah Adams," she called out and Sarah jumped up excitedly.

"Jeremy Adkins," she said again.

A boy with short black hair walked up grabbing the slip from her hand.

"Thank you your sweetness," he said and she rolled her eyes at him.

As he walked back to his seat, we made eye contact and he just gave me an evil glare.

"What are you looking at?" He sneered.

"I-" I started but was cut off.

"Just shut up," he said and I inhaled looking down at my bag on the paper.

What seemed like years, but was only two minutes, she finally got to me.

"Emily Jauregui," she said and I stood up and quickly walked to the front of the room grabbing my slip of paper.

"Thank you," I stated looking up at her.

She smiled and said, "Your welcome."

There were multiple snickers in the back of the room and Mrs Lenard said, "Students you need to be quiet. She has great manners."

They all went quiet except for that Jeremy kid.

Five more minutes passed and we were finally done.

"Okay students, I'm going to start on this side of the room and have you stand up in the front of the class and have you introduce yourselves. I want your full names, meaning just your first and last, and if you have any siblings and what you like to do for fun."

She sat back down and told Sarah to go.

I sighed as Sarah walked up to where our teacher was previously standing.

"Hello everyone," she said. "My name is Sarah Adams and I have an older sister and younger brother. I love to play soccer and read," she finished and we all clapped.

"Next," Mrs. Lenard said and I stood up.

I hesitantly walked up to the front of the room to face everywhere where Jeremy and his group of friends erupted into a fit of laughed.

"Guys be quiet and respectful," she said and once they stopped, she told me to go.

"Well, my name is Emily Jauregui and I have two older sister and an older brother."

I thought for a second looking around the room. "I play softball and listen to music."

She nodded.

"Great, what kind of music do you listen to? Who's your favorite artist?" She asked.

I looked at her a little scared because I didn't want to say anything about Lauren.

She nodded at me telling me to go on.

"Okay, who are Y'all's favorite artist?" I asked trying to keep the spotlight on me.

"Drake!" Jeremy and his friends yelled out along with other rappers.

"Fifth harmony!" Half the girls in th class screamed.

"One direction!" The other half yelled.

"What's yours Emily?" My teacher asked.

"Fifth Harmony," I said very hesitantly.

"And why are they your favorite?" She asked again.

I was getting a bit annoyed by her pushing me for more information.

"They sort of half to be," I mumbled but but soft enough.

"Why?" Jeremy asked standing up from his seat.

"Sit down Jeremy," she said and he did.

"What I don't get is why?" He went on.

"Because my sister . . ." I trailed off.

"What about your sister?" He asked.

I looked at the ground before saying, "She enjoys their music."

"What kind of answer is that?" He scoffed.

I just ignored him and sat back down.

By the time everybody got finished, the be rang.

"Alright, I'll hand out science books tomorrow," she said as I grabbed my stuff and ran for my locker.

I went through two more classes before heading to the cafeteria where I met up with Sarah to eat lunch.

"So how are your classes?" She asked taking a bite out of her mashed potatoes.

"We I have science first, than language and then social studies. They all basically suck," I said and stick a carrot in my mouth.

"What're your next three classes?" She asked and I pulled out my schedule.

We only had six classes that were divided. Three before lunch and three after lunch.

"I have gym, math and then music," I said and she smiled.

I have music with you!" She exclaimed.

I smiled as we finished eating.

The bell rang. "Well, we better get going," I said and we threw our trash away before heading our separate ways.





Did another update because I wanted too.

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