Chapter 58

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The guys stayed over last night.

I had walked down stairs to be met with everybody in the kitchen.

I took a seat beside Connor.

"Así que ¿cómo fue tu noche de anoche, Lauren?" I asked Lauren binging everybody's attention to me. (So how was your night last night, Lauren?)

"Emily, I don't think you should be asking-" Camila and Ally started.

"Estaba bien Emily, ¿cómo fue el suyo?" Lauren replied. (It was fine Emily, how was yours?)

"No sé poco raro teniendo en cuenta que su novio estaba mirando a mí todo el tiempo," I said harshly. (I don't know kind of awkward considering your boyfriend was staring at me the whole time.)

"Fue probablemente sólo admirando su belleza, sé que hacemos," Camila chimed in making me laugh. (He was probably just admiring your beauty, I know we do.)

I smiled at her.

"¿Es eso cierto Ally?" I asked. (Is that true Ally?)

"Si, absolutamente! Eres tan hermosa," she said. (Yes absolutely! You are gorgeous.)

"No piense alguna vez su no precioso," Lauren said. (Don't ever think your not gorgeous.)

"Can you stop talking in Spanish?" Brad snapped.

"No Brad, its a package deal. You want Lauren, you get her family and these two girls with it," I said smiling.

"If you have a problem with it, I suggest you go deal with it somewhere else."

He just stared at me.

"Quiero salir contigo Lauren! Consigue pasar tiempo con mi hermana! Quiero decir, ¿no es eso lo que me viene en este viaje con usted supone que significa eso? No estar con Brad cada oportunidad que ni siquiera consiguió que me hablaba," I snapped causing her to have a look of guilt. (I want to hang out with you Lauren! Get to spend time with my sister! I mean, isn't that what me coming on this tour with you supposed to mean? Not you being with Brad every chance you got not even speaking to me.)

It was all quiet before Camila spoke up.

"Ella no está mal Lauren," Camila said. (She's not wrong Lauren.)

"Lo siento Emily. No consigo verlo tanto como me gustaría," Lauren said. (I'm sorry Emily. I don't get to see him as much as I'd like.)

I looked down playing with my fingers.

"Sé que no, pero yo sigo siendo tu hermana Lauren. Sólo soy un niño," I said softly. (I know you don't but I'm still your sister. I'm just a kid.)

"Su casa nunca Lauren y cuando usted, su siempre hablando con una de estas chicas en el teléfono," I said looking up at her. (Your never home Lauren and when you are, your always talking to one of these girls on the phone.)

She slightly shook her head.

"Eso no es cierto-" I cut her off. (That's not true.)

"Dios sí lo es Lauren!" I was now screaming not even trying to stop the tears from falling. (God yes it is Lauren!)

"For the first couple days you hang out with Taylor, Chris and I, but then you go and call one of the girls or hang out with Camila! As if you don't get enough of her on tour," I mumbled the last sentence.

"I was there for you Emily. When I came home, I was with you," she said trying to stay calm but wasn't exactly successful.

"One week Lauren. You were home for one week," I said.

I looked at Brad who was slightly smirking to himself.

"Wipe that smirk off your face Brad," I said and some of them looked over at him while the rest were either looking somewhere else, down at their plates, or between Lauren and I.

"Are you happy now?" I screamed at him.

"Your being a little dramatic don't you think?" James asked.

I looked at him this time finally succeeding on the 'Lauren' stare.

"It's hard being the sibling of a celebrity," I said and turned my head back to Brad.

"You better be happy Brad because you succeeded in not letting my own sister talk to me," I said calming down some but the tears were still falling shamelessly.

I leaned over the table so to get closer to Brad.

"If you ever hurt her," I said pointing my finger at Lauren.

"I swear to God, Brad that'll be the last thing you do," I said and stood up.

"Emily calm down," Connor said grabbing my arm but I pulled it away with such force I almost hit myself.

"Your feisty," he smiled.

I rolled my eyes.

"Leave me the hell alone."

Without another word, I ran upstairs and into the bathroom when I grabbed a razor and cut for the first time in four months.

Lauren's P.O.V

We all just stood there shocked, nobody saying a word.

I wiped my tears that had fallen due to me knowing that I was hurting Emily, but not this much.

After few minutes of everybody just sitting there, I decided to get up.

"Where are you going?" Brad asked holding my arm.

"I think you guys should leave," I said and they slowly got up and left.

I walked upstairs and knocked on Emily's door but she didn't answer.

"Emily it's me please open the door," I said.

Still nothing.

I sighed walked back to my room shutting my door.

I laid on my bed letting the tears fall as I think about how much of a bitch I've been to my sister.




How was the chapter?!?


Sorry if it was crappy towards the end. I just didn't know hoe to end it exactly because I wanted it to be a long chapter.

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