Chapter 44

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I was scrolling through Twitter on the couch when I started to notice hate.

It wasn't just one tweet from one person. It was tweet after tweet from multiple people.

Tears started rolling down my face as I read tweets like:

@EmilyJauregui is so ugly. I don't even know why the girls want her on tour with them. She's so boring.

Go kill yourself @EmilyJauregui . No one likes you.

@EmilyJauregui doesn't even look like her sister. She's more ugly and untalented than my hairless cat.

I couldn't stop the tears that were flowing freely now. There were way more hurtful and mean tweets than that.

The girls always say to ignore the hate in interviews, which they do, but I couldn't. This was all way to much and overwhelming.

I ran into the bathroom locking the door. Sitting in the floor, I pulled my knees up to my chest and began sobbing.

When I calmed down a little bit, I stood up looking for a razor.

I smashed it and brought it to my skin before sliding it across my left rist three times.

There was a knock on the door and then I heard someone say, "You okay Emily?" It s Normani.

I sniffled wiping my cheeks before managing to say, "Yeah, I'm fine."

I cleaned up my mess and looked down noticing that I was wearing short sleeves.

"Crap," I mumbled before opening the door.

I kept my head down allowing my long black hair to cover my face, shielding myself from the five girls who were sitting around the couches.

"Emily?" Camila asked and I sped up towards the doors. I went to push the button to open it, but she grabbed my wrist pulling me around to face her.

I wince at the pain the was brought to my wrist and she furrowed her eyebrows before looking down.

With a small gasp, she looked back up at me before opening the door pulling us both inside.

We walked to the very back and she sat me down.

"Did you just do this?" She asked holding my wrist in her hand.

She looked up at me and I hesitantly nodded.

"Why?" She asked with concern showing in both her face and voice.

She wiped a tear that formed on my face and I swallowed.

"All the hate on Twitter," I cried out.

"It's too much," I sobbed as she pulled me into her embrace as I laid there crying into her chest as she whispered sweet things in my ear.


I woke up lying on top of Camila's body. She had fallen asleep under me with her arms wrapped securely around my body.

I moved to get up, but she pulled me closer.

"Don't leave," she said.

I giggled a little. "Mila, come on I'm hungry."

She didn't loosen her grip. "I want pizza," I said and she opened one eyelid.

"Are you serious?" She asked and I nodded really wanting pizza.

She opened the other eye as she let me go so we could both stand up and stretch.

She went to walk through the door before I stopped her.

She turned around making her hair fly around behind her.

"Please don't tell Lauren," I said and her face fell.

"She deserved to know..." she said.

I sighed and nodded my head.

"Look Emily," she said and sat me on the couch soon following after.

"You are one of the most beautiful eleven year olds I've ever seen. Your so kind but can also get sassy or defensive towards anybody who messed with one of us or your family. We've all witnessed it before."

I am except for when I'm at school and I'm the one who's getting picked on. I thought to myself.

"My point is, that no matter how much hate you get whether it be at school or online, turn the other way. You aren't perfect but no body is. God knows I'm not, nor are any of those four girls sitting in that room," she said motioning to the front of the bus.

"I know it gets hard to ignore it sometimes, but you need to try your hardest to okay? I love you, your brother and sisters love you. Your parents love you and so do the other girls along with the whole team. If you ever need to talk to somebody, please come to one of us and if you don't want to talk to us, you can always call Demi. She knows what you've been through. She's been through it herself and can help you okay?"

I nodded and we stood up before she pulled me into a hug.

"I don't ever want to see intentional scars on you again alright?" She stated more than asked.

I nodded anyways before hugging her again and wiping my tears.

She grabbed my hand with hers as we walked to the front of the bus where we met with the four girls with worried expressions.

"Is everything okay?" Lauren asked.

I looked up at Camila as she gave me a reassuring smile and I nodded.

They smiled at me but Normani just eyed me like she knew something was wrong.

"What are you doing?" I asked widening my eyes as Lauren unlocked my phone.

I didn't close Twitter so all the tweets were still shown on my screen.

"What the hell is this?" She asked as she showed the other girls.

She looked at me sympathetically as Camila pulled me into her squeezing my shoulder.





Sorry for the extremely short chapter but today is my birthday and my whole body is sore from yesterday. I played a lot of outdoor games like football, softball, soccer, dodgeball, etc. and I fell a lot so I'm pretty tired.

Also, we were having an egg toss and my cousin took one and smashed one on my back so I took one and smashed it over one of my brothers' head so that started a war.

Anyways, I hope you all enjoyed it. Hope to have one up later because this one was short.

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