Chapter 37

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Ally's P.O.V

We all just woke up again. It's about twelve o'clock so we ordered room service.

"So you've been awake this whole time?" Normani asked Lauren taking a bite of her eggs.

Lauren nodded taking a sip of her juice.

"I couldn't go to sleep knowing that my little sister is outside by herself at four in the morning," Lauren said lying back on the bed.

She ran a hand through her hair before sitting up again.

"Why do things have to be so hard?" She asked looking down at her hands in her lap.

I rubbed her back and she laid her head against me.

"You need to go to sleep LoLo. You haven't slept since yesterday night and we have a show tonight," I said and she nodded wiping her tears away.

She crawled behind me and went under the covers before soon falling asleep.

Brad came in an hour later.

"I need to speak with my girlfriend," he said ready to wake her.

The other girls stepped in front of him before he could though.

"You need to leave her alone," Camila said. "She needs to sleep for tonight's show an you of all people should know that."

He rolled his eyes.

"Well, when she wakes up, tell her I said we need to talk," he said and walked out of the room.

We all sighed and continued doing what we were doing.

Emily's P.O.V

"Wait, so your brother actually said that?" I asked laughing.

We were sitting on their couch. I had already met his family and they were really nice.

He nodded. "Yeah."

All of his siblings came through and sat around us in the family room.

"Emily we wanna play a game," Drew's older brother Drake said.

Drew was a spitting image of his brother except Drake was taller.

"Okay, what game?" I asked turning around and crossing my left leg over my right leg.

"It's called, we get to ask you tons of questions and you answer them," Delaney said.

She had long blonde hair and blue eyes. She was also very tall.

"Um, okay?" I said giggling a little.

"Alright, first question," Dustin said.

He was adorable. He was short and had long brown hair with brown eyes.

"What's your favorite color?" He asked.

"Blue," I said.

"Favorite animal?" Delaney asked.

"Dolphin," I said.

I moved my hair out of my face.

"Full name," Drew said smirking.

I bit my lip. "Emily Danielle Jauregui."

He smiled. "Beautiful name."

"What's your sister full name?" Drake asked me.

I really hope they aren't trying to get to Lauren because I've had enough fake friends to deal with for a lifetime.

"Which one?" I asked.


I rolled my eyes. "Lauren Michelle Jauregui."

They all smiled.

I sighed. "You guys are fans."

I frowned and they all quickly apologized.

"Well yeah we are, but we didn't know you were her sister until you said your last name," Delaney said.

I gave a small smile and Drake said, "You know you look a lot like her."

"All except for the green eyes," Dustin said.

I laughed. "Everybody loves her green eyes."

"Do you think she'd go out with me?" Drake asked.

I raised my eyebrows before pushing them together.

I shook my head. "No, and besides she has a boyfriend."

He frowned.

"Can we have your number?" Delaney asked.

I nodded and quickly put my phone in her phone along with Drake's. Drew had already asked me earlier and Dustin was too young for a phone.

"Thanks," they said and I smiled at them.

"Kids, dinner's ready," their mom Samantha said.

We smiled and ran to eat.

For the remainder of the day, we just all hung out getting to know each other better.

I got a text from Lauren asking me where I was.

"Guys I have to go, thanks for dinner," I said standing up.

"Your welcome sweety," Samantha said.

"Yeah, your welcome back anytime," their father Jerry said.

I smiled and thanked them again.

I have them all hugs and Drew said, "I'll walk you out."

We walked to the door and stepped on his porch.

"I had fun tonight," he said. "My family all love you."

I blushed.

"Thanks for having me over. It was a blast and thanks for taking my mind off of everything that's been happening with my sister."

He smiled. "Do you want me to walk you to the venue?" He asked.

I smiled at him and shook my head.

"No, I'll be fine. A lot of screaming fans."

We both laughed.

"No really, it's a thirty minute walk back. I don't care to walk you," he said.

This kid is so sweet.

"Your too sweet," I said and he blushed a little.

"You look so cute when you blush," I said and he smiled letting out a little chuckle.

"Thanks, you do too," he said.

"Big Rob is going to pick me up a block from here so I'll be good."

He nodded. "Well it was nice meeting you. Hope we can hang out again."

"Me too," I said and hugged him around his neck as he wrapped his arms around my waist.

My phone beeped and I sighed.

"Alright I have to go before my sister kills me," I said stepping out of his embrace. He smells amazing.

He nodded and watched me walk down the street until I was out of site.

I texted Lauren back telling her I'm on my way and met Big Rob.

He drove me back to the venue and pulled me through the crowd of people.

I was directed to their dressing rooms where I found the four girls trying to comfort a crying Lauren on the couch.





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