Pack Meet

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"Honey, wake up. There is the pack meet today." My dad said. I really was tired and was in a middle of a really good dream so I pulled the covers over my head. But I felt a slap of cold air making my goosebumps appear on my skin. I groaned and got up from bed. The pack meet was always held the day of the full moon and always finished with a party. But I didn't know this until Kyle explained it to me a week ago. I really didn't care what I wore at the meeting at that time, but now that Kyle is now my boyfriend and he's going to be there, I want to impress him. Karen came in my next because she knew I needed help finding a really cute outfit. I don't really know how but she does and it's kinda weird. "Ok girl, so what do want feel like today?" "I want to be wild, risky but also decent as well." I said. She went into my closet and started picking out stuff. "Oooh this is what you need to wear as your top!" She exclaimed. She showed me a strapless shirt that was tight so it will hug my curves, had a deep V-neck and goes up to my belly button. It was what u was looking for so I agreed. Now she went back to looking for the bottom part of my outfit. She finally picked out a high-low skirt, where the front only came up to the middle of my thigh and the back part came up to my calves. I loved it! My outfit was all black so she decided to put a color into the match. Red, 6 inch stilettos. Then she did my nails and painted them red. She gave me a smoky eye, put some blush, and then put on blood red lipstick. I looked fierce and hot. "Now your ready." Now it was my turn to pick out her outfit. "I want to be fierce and striking but with an innocent look to it too." She said. So sexy but innocent. I looked and saw a bright blue dress that will hug her curves just right. It was a strapless blue dress with sparkles as the top part, a deep V-neck. The bottom part was blue, it kinda had a high-low kind of style but not exactly, and it only goes up to mid-thigh. It was perfect. I just got passed the dress to her so she can change into it. Then I found some 6 inch heels that will show off her legs. And they matched perfectly. They were the color white. So I did French nails as her design, put brown eyeshadow and then put eyeliner. I grabbed a pink lipgloss and painted her lips with it to give her an innocent look. Now we need to do our hair. "Ok I love the way you made me look. Exactly how I wanted it. You are amazing at this!" She praised. "Now sit down here and let's do your hair." I sat down. I kind of know what she would be doing but I know I'm going to love it. After 20 minutes she finally showed me how I looked. She did small ringlets framing my face, my bangs are straight though. Now it was her turn. I grabbed the iron and while I waited for it to heat up I put a special oil that will make her hair glow. Then when I made sure the iron was ready I started to iron her hair. When I was finished, it kind of looked like a halo over her head which was the exact effect I wanted to happen.😇 "Omg! I love it!" She exclaimed. We looked at each other and we said at the same time, "Damn we look hot!". We laughed and walked out of my room. The other girls were waiting coming up out of their own rooms and then all of us walked down the stairs where the boys were waiting.
------------ Kyle's P.O.V -------------
"Man, you asked her to be your girlfriend! Congrats!" Nathan said. "Yea. I'm actually kind of surprised a girl like her actually-" I cut off when I saw her. Sam looked gorgeous. "Hey baby, maybe you should take a picture, it'll last longer." She said giggling. I could hear her giggle all the time if I could. She started blushing a bit which made me feel good knowing I had en effect on her. I pecked her on the lips and said," Why would I need a picture when I could just have you." She blushed deeply. I chuckled and was lowering my self to kiss her when a cough interrupted. "You know we're all here right?" We walked toward the limo but there wasn't enough seats. Only the boys fit so we had a solution. "All the girls have to sit on their partner's laps" yelled Nathan. "Kyle you and your girlfriend go first." I walked in with her behind me and I sat down. She looked at my lap and sighs, then she lowered herself on top of me. I put my arm around her waist and put my hand on her thigh. I started to massage it soon though. We came to the place and pictures were taken. It was like a normal pack meet but this time I'm with Sam. She's only been here for 5 months but I knew I loved her. After the pack meet was over we went to the party. We had soda while Nathan had a cocktail. We were dancing but in one of the songs people started to grind on each other. Sam slowly started to grind on me a move her hips to the beat. I knew that I was turned on. But I didn't want her to stop. When the song ended I was disappointed because then she'll have to stop. But then disaster struck. A group of rogues attacked us. The alpha was soon on his feet as well as my parents. The Luna was escorted out but since she didn't want to leave her mate, she fought along side with him. I positioned myself in front of Sam and she grabbed my bicep. She squeezed it a little to show that she was scared. I wrapped my arms around her waist. An hour of fighting, almost everyone injured a few killed. Then I saw her. The girl who betrayed us. Stella.
---------- Stella's P.O.V ----------
I saw them, my old friends. Sam changed a lot. She had gotten slimer, her curves a little bit bigger then when I last saw her. I was so distracted I didn't see the tiger at first but I felt the hit at my head before I felt being the picked up and kissed before I blacked out.
------------ James P.O.V -------------
I saw the attack to Stella but I couldn't do anything. I ran to her and catched her. I gave her a peck and then lifted her up and ran. I put some ice on her head to numb it then I got a needle and thread. I began to stitch her up. After I was sure it was good I hid us under a tree. If the boss found out I ran with her from the mission. We would be dead. I laid down tired from all the work I had done. I was physically and mentally exhausted. So I slept next to Stella once again.

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