This is gonna be a long day...

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"What do you mean they escaped! How the fuck did they escape?! I put all my best men guarding them, how could they be so stupid and careless! They screwed up and now we don't have anyone to get information from!!" To say that dad was a little upset about the whole escape is a major understatement. He's been going on how stupid his men were in letting this happen and blah, blah, blah. I swear he's worse than me when I'm on my period. I'm a real bitch through that whole week. Dad called me to his office and for what? So that I can here him bitch all about his guards and how they are and I quote, 'lazy asses who don't give a crap about all the shit around them.' I swear if I could I would groan and face palm my self. "Are you even listening?!!" He yelled. His face is unusually red and I swear that vein is gonna pop out of his head any second now. I should have a doctor on voice dial right now. "Yes daddy I'm listening." I out an innocent look and put absolute innocence in my voice. "Then what did I say just right now?" Ugh why did he asked me this? I don't know I wasn't listening but of course I didnt say that. I'm not that dumb. "You were just bitching about how the idiotic guards let the captors escape from our little headquarters." I don't know why but my dad totally approves me cursing especially when he's around. I don't think that's normal but I'm not one to argue with him unless I want to lose the argument. "Exactly how could..." He lost me at could. I swear that man can make a whole hour long conversation about just one thing, one! "Like I even gave them back up-" "Dad instead of bitching around, why don't we take action and just find out where they've gone." I proposed. At that moment our weakest and smallest rogue. And he also has asthma. The only reason he's still here is cause my dad made a notion to all the rogues that he will take anyone and treat them fairly. The kid was red face and wheezing with his hands on his knees. "Sir...saw the escapees...where the pride used to be...found the weapon storage...emptied it out...they took all the weapons...and left...lost sight of them after that." The guy was still gasping for air even after he was only standing there for 20 minutes trying to tell us what he saw. "How long ago was this?" The kid paled and answered, "An hour ago sir." "An hour ago and you just told me this!" Dad yelled. "As you can see sir, I'm not a very good runner." "Gah! Fine you are dismissed." My dad said. The boy turned and walked out. "An hour ago. Ha! They can be anywhere by now! What the boy told us was useless, except about the weapon storage and that they took all of it." "Dad I'm going to eat so see us later." I walked out and took a deep breath. Truth is, I was getting a little claustrophobic in there and I was tired of hearing my dad complain. I walked down the empty hallway. I feel like such a loner. I mean ever since I got here I haven't made any friends and from the rumors I've heard about me. I was supposed to be a spoiled little brat who thinks I'm all that and to special for people like them. If only they knew. So when I got to the cafeteria all the laughter I heard before and the talking grew silent hit by me being there. Ok so I did kind of avoided everyone and came here after everyone was gone. So this was unexpected. "Hello." I said. My voice sounded like and echo. I suddenly felt self-conscious and wished a hole in the ground can open under me. I walked toward the line and waited for my turn. I felt multiple eyes on me and it made me very uncomfortable that I squirmed under their hostile gazes. "Hey Stella. What are you doing here?" James said. "Oh I was only hungry and came down here." "Oh ok cool so you can sit with me and my friends over there ok." He said. "Ok." He went back to his friends and started talking to them. They turned towards him but not before I saw a girl give me death glare and then turned back to him with a flirty smile. I glared at the back of her head. This reminds me so much of high school. I got my food and went to their table. It immediately became quiet. "Hey guys, meet my girlfriend, Stella" some said hi, mostly the boys, but a lot of them didn't even acknowledge me, those were the girls. "So James tell us about your next mission." The girl who glared at me said. "Now, now Rosy. You know I can't tell you." Rosy. He called her Rosy. "Oh please James. Just tell us something..." She said leaning over and grabbing his arm. She put his arm right between her breast and put a pleading face. James looked perfectly fine with his arm held hostage in between her boobs while I on the other hand, am not. "Ok just one thing alright." He said. "Yay!" Rosy said. The others leaned toward him. And his arm is still in between her boobs. "Ok so I'm going to the pride and go to the weapon storage and get the weapons." He said simply. "Well now your not going anywhere." I said. Everyone turned towards me. "How come?" A guy with bulging muscles asked. "Well the people that was our hostages, including the future alpha, escaped and took all the weapons." I simply stated. "What but I was promised a new gun." James said. "Aw baby don't be so sad. You can always borrow my dads guns. You know he loves you." Rosy said. "Aw thanks Rosy but I don't want to impose." He said. "You won't impose. It's alright if you take some. We have a lot anyway." She blinked and puckered her lips. "Alright I'll come pass your house this afternoon to get them." He said. They finished their lunch and got up to leave. "Come on Rosy, we need to come to training." James said. "Oh it's alright I just need to talk to Stella for a minute. I'll catch up with you." Rosy said. "Oh ok, see you later." He left leaving me with Rosy. "So before you came along. James was going to ask me out. We've been best friends little kids. I ran away with him because I'm in Love with him. But then you came, and he didn't ask me out instead he asked you. Now I want you to break up with him and back off. I absolutely adore him and I'm not going to let a spoiled little bitch get in my way! He loves me. He tells me that a lot. Hell he told me that a minute before you came in our table. He just has an attraction to you but he loves me! He told me he can't break up with you cause it will only break your heart. But he's mine and I'm his. We're perfect for each other. Now if you'll excuse me, my true love is waiting for me." And she turned around. "Oh and my name is Rosaline." And then she left. I ran up to my room and broke down in my bed. I can't believe I fell for his tricks...😭

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