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We left the reluctantly away from the pack. There we felt safe but the moment we stepped foot off their territory, everyone stiffened and became alert. "Hey Der, when we going to get to the other pack? I want to see some more wolf hotties!" And of course you can guess who said that... Peter.😔 I facepalmed my self when I heard what he had to say. "Dude, just don't speak, it's sad to hear you talk." John told him, shaking his head and patted Peter's back. "But-" "Nope no talking" "Just-" "No" "Please-" "I said no." "Oh-" "Don't even try." "Fine...". I chuckled to myself as I listened to their conversation. I looked at the others and see them doing the same. "Who are you?" A sand colored wolf asked us. "We're here to pass through your territory with permission from Alpha Jordan." Harold said in a stern tone that sounded like 'don't mess with me or waste my time'. "Do you have the approval mark?" The sand footed wolf said. "Yes." Then Jarrold lifted his paw and showed him. The wolf left us pass, as did the other one and the other one and the other one and the other one and the other one. "Is there anymore packs we have to go through?" Kennedy asked in exhaustion. "Thankfully no, but I have news. We're very close to your pride..." Harrold said. "YES!!" "Hallelujah!" "Finally!" "About time!" "Good I was going to go crazy." And then the last one, "Oooh, I was going to ask 'are we there yet' a couple of times." Oh Peter. I shook my head. Thank god, that would have been very annoying. "Oh thank god we made it. Though I wished we could have gone here sooner so that we could actually enjoy it, but it's night time!" Sophia whined. We saw a few lions, then Bobcats, then tigers, panthers, then a certain lynx and... Wait for it... House cat! "Ugh your here. I thought they would have killed you by now." Gianna grimaced. "What are you doing here?" Zeke snarled. "Coming to tell dad your little idea." In our time as prisoners, I was thinking 'how did they know where we would be or how I looked like?' Then one answer came: two weeks before the attack, two rogues, Zeke and Gianna, joined our pride. I kinda looked for something to prove I was right. I overheard two guards saying that Zeke's idea was brilliant and got the job done with his little girlfriend, Gianna. Evidence. We left them and walked towards my parents. "MOM, DAD!"
-------------- Kyle's P.O.V --------------
The Cheif Alexander and Luna Lydia turned toward us with joy in their eyes. "Sam!!" They ran toward her and hugged her, as did the other parents, including mine. "Kyle we were so worried!" Mom said with tears in her eyes. "Don't worry I'm here now." I reassured. I turned and saw Karen standing alone. "Karen your mother and father got injured in the fight, they lost a lot of blood when we got here, they died soon after... I'm so sorry." Lydia said sympathetically. Karen started sobbing as Sam and then everyone wrapped their arms around her for a hug. She sobbed on Sam's shoulder as Sam started singing a bit to calm her down. The song was filled with sorrow and passion. Everyone became quiet and silently took in the lyrics. After a long time, we separated and Karen lifted her head. Her eyes were red and puffy from all the crying. Sam's face had tear marks running down her face, showing that she was crying as well. As I looked around, everyone was the same. We were one big family. "Let's get them."
------------- Stella's P.O.V -------------
I'm finally making some progress. My biceps are starting become stronger and noticeable, my legs are getting more muscle, and I'm starting to get a 4 pack. These months in this place has taught me how to fight, use weapons, knowledgeable of different packs and their territories, sharpen my reflexes, run faster, etc. Though my social life has gone downhill, I have no friends, but I seem to have gather more enemies. I'm being pushed, punched, kicked, tripped, and so much other things. I'm just glad I'm getting better and tougher, but emotionally, I'm wrecked. I cry every night to sleep, I punch my pillows out of anger and fustration, and Dhelila has stopped talking to me. My eyes started to get droopy and then I was out like a light.

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