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I took sam by the arm as we ran towards the safe room. We could see them but they can't see us. It was Zeke and Gianna.😔 Sam tightened her grip on my arm as she noticed who was the one who wandered in our pack. 'Would I be able to go up and talk to them. And when I mean talk, it'll yelling' Wow, just came into the pack and already she learned how to mind-link others. 'Sure. Just don't reveal the others and get close enough to hear at least what they want them go up to them and start talking' I mind-linked her. She changed into her cat and started sneaking behind them. I did too. "What are we doing here Zeke? It's just an abandoned village." Gianna said. "No. I think I saw them going on this direction. Let me tell you, I'm going to get revenge on that Kyle kid." Zeke said. "But why?" "'Cause he walked in that school with a hot Sam." "But you have me now, baby." It was weird. Their conversation was weird. "I've been a rogue for a long enough time to recognize that he is a part of a pack. This is a pack!" Wait what did he just say?! He's a rogue! "I know, I know. And I am a rogue too. So what? He's part of a pack. That he is dating Sam! Don't you get it. No one and I mean no one gets over me that fast!" He said. Then he transformed... He is a Lynx. And Gianna is a... Black house cat?!😂 Damn! 'Could I go now, now we know they're Werecats so I can show up like this and they won't know that it's me' Sam mind-linked me. 'Sure. Just be careful all of us will be behind you and Karen has to come with you' I said. Sam started stalking towards her with Karen at her heels.
--------- Sam's P.O.V ---------
I knew when they turned their attention to the bushes behind me that they have noticed Karen and I are behind them. We came out of the bushes. "What are you doing in our territory?" I asked. "We're here to find Kyle Morgan." Replied Zeke. "Okay but first I must ask you why do you need him?" Karen said. "We need to do a little... Business that wasn't taken care of that well." Gianna said. "What kind of business?" I asked them. "None that you will know none of." Zeke said. "Oh, but I know exactly what you want and it really is a pity that you don't recognize my scent or my voice, Zeke." I said. "Sam! Your a Werecat?!" Gianna exclaimed. "Yes I am and let me introduce you to Karen, second in command." I said. "Hello Gianna, Zeke." Karen said. "So Sam, I noticed that you are an overgrown black house cat." Gianna scoffed. "Gianna. I wouldn't be the one talking when you are what you just said to be. In case you haven't noticed, you are a black house cat just not overgrown." I replied. "Well Sam nice to see you again but if your not going to help us we'll be looking for the future alpha to help us or the alpha and Luna for our search of Kyle." Zeke said. "Oh but Zeke, your looking at the future alpha." I said. Gianna groaned in frustration. "You are the future Alpha! Why do you always have to one up me in everything!" She said. Zeke could barely hide his surprise when I said that I was the future alpha. "Now as I overheard you saying that you were rogues, if you would please accompany me to see my parents about the situation at hand. Shall we?" With a little wave of my paw to gesture to the direction of my house. As they turned around, they are bound to see my friends that have gathered around them in the middle of our conversation. Zeke and Gianna retreated a step in surprise as they saw them. Surprise, surprise! Karen went behind the two while I went in the front to lead as the other made a path for us to walk through then started following us as we passed through. I checked up on Rowan and saw that she was stretching out in the back of my mind. 'Mom, dad. I got some rogues for you. Turns out one of them was my ex-boyfriend and the other was my enemy for most of my life.' I mind-linked. Karen showed me how to mind-link while we were watching the 'humans' at the mall. My parents answered right away and told me to go up to dad's office. When we got to the house everyone, including me, transformed into our humans selves. Though, Zeke is ogling at my outfit. Though it's true, I'm different, I'm showing more skin. I'm wearing a blue jean vest with a gray tank top that is 1 inch above my jean shorts with black combat boots. Kyle walked over to me and put his arm around my waist and almost immediately I leaned on him and put head on his shoulder. Zeke growled and turned towards my parents. "What is your name?" My dad demanded. "Zeke, sir and this is Gianna." "Well Zeke why are you here on my territory?" "Because I need to resolve some business with Kyle." "You want to resolve some business with my daughter's future beta?" My dad said. "Wait, future beta?!" Zeke exclaimed through something in between a groan and a growl. "You have 2 choices getting kicked out of our territory or join our pack." My dad said. "We'll like to join the pack, sir." Zeke said. "Okay. The ceremony will be held in the full moon this Friday." "Yes sir" "Sam would you show them to their rooms please." My dad asked. Even though it sounds like a favor my dad is actually commanding me to do this. "Sure daddy!" And then took the lead once again. Kyle still had his arm on my waist and my head is still on his left shoulder but this time hand is on his right shoulder. Kyle smirked a bit when he saw Zeke staring at my hand, while Gianna tried to do the same thing I did but with Zeke. That failed miserably.😏😂 When we finally came to their houses in the village I let out a sigh. "Finally, we're here. Gianna this is your house and this, Zeke is your house. Goodbye, I'll let you settle in." I said then I turned my back on them and walked away with the others trailing behind and me and Kyle in the same position.
------- Stella's P.O.V -------
We walked into a cave on the other side of a pond. We had to swim across. I was dripping wet. "Is there a reason why couldn't just go around the pond?" I said. "No, I just wanted to see you wet." He answered. I am so mad at him. He made me look humiliating. All of a sudden he took off his shirt which left him shirtless. Damn! He's got an eight pack! I started noticing I was staring so I averted my eyes on the boulder. "You know if you keep that shirt on while it's wet you might get hyperthermia because inside that cave is freezing cold. There's warm clothes inside too. "No thank you." I said but once I was inside I rethought my decision and quickly took off my shirt so I was only left in my bra. "Where is the warm clothes you were talking about." I didn't turn around because I didn't want James to see my red face. "Umm. It's over by your left right there." He said. His voice sounded hoarse. I grabbed a really cute top that's there and put it on then a sweater. He grabbed a thin sweater which lets you see his biceps. And then we went in.
-------- James P.O.V -------
I can't get the image of Stella in her bra, shirtless out of my mind. I can't believe that a really gorgeous girl just walked into my life just yesterday. "Hey Dave, I have somebody who wants to see you!" I said. "I have been waiting for you James. Your sister Jane has been watching you and giving me informed of your whereabouts." He said. "Yea okay. So this is Stella and she wants to help you take over the your brother's pack. She doesn't really fancy your niece." I said. "We'll see what you can do, Stella. Now tell me your story." And then she just told him what she told me. "Okay Stella. I've decided that your going to work with James here and and your first job will be tomorrow night." Then he turned his back on us. We walked back to the entrance. "Okay so this is where you are going to stay." I showed her an underwater cave with a few waterproof couches and stuff like that. "Thanks James." And then she turned to admire her new home. I left thinking how my
life could get any better.

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