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Sam looked at me when I told them to eat, it was the kind of look that told people that they would never be forgiven for what they've decided done. I guess I deserved it but I didn't really want to be forgiven. I don't want to be forgiven because then it we would become friends again and I will be the little sidekick again. I don't want too. I want to be the leader this time but that won't happen when she's still here. She has to go. "Hey, are you okay? You've been staring at the little alpha (A.K.A called Sam)" James asked. I could see the worry that's in his eyes but a new fire was stuck in my eyes and I think everyone could see it. I want to be leader. "Yes I'm alright, it's just that I haven't seen her in a long time. She's changed." She's gotten more fit and that worries me because that means that she was training. For me, that is a disadvantage. I haven't been training that much. I only know the basics. With all the missions that I have been sent in to take part of, I never have time. And the boss didn't train me first, he put me in a mission immediately after I came. "You should go and sleep. I'll take first watch." James said. And I did cause now that he mentioned it, I realized how tired my body was.
------------ James P.O.V -------------
After Stella fell asleep I started thinking about the gleam that was in her eyes so suddenly, it was beautiful though it kind of worries me as well. "It's alright you guys you can go to sleep I'll watch over you. And that includes you Kyle. Go to sleep. You can take next watch." I turned to see who it was that said that and it turned out it was Sam. "So what's your history with Stella?" I asked her. She jumped a bit and slowly turned to look at me. She looked at me suspiciously, like she was trying to figure out if she should respond or not. "It's not your business." She said shortly. "It kind of is since she is my girlfriend and she doesn't seem to like you." I knew their story. I just want to know her perspective in it. "Alright.... What do you want to know." She asked me warily. "Your story of your life with her." "Well, she and I used to be best friends. We went everywhere together. I always thought she was happy being my friend. She used to complain that everyone said I was better than her, but I always said that they were wrong because she was so much better than me at almost everything. Though not a lot of people know it because she was a shy person and I was the outgoing one. So I got her to be more outgoing in freshmen year. But I guess that wasn't that wasn't enough. Because she left me alone when I needed her most. I don't know what to do as an alpha and now nobody is here to comfort me. I used always go to her when I was upset and she to me. Now you got our story." And she turned around. I saw tears in Sam's eyes as she relived their moments. I thought she'll be arrogant and self centered. Turns out I was wrong. A girl started whimpering and crying in her sleep. Sam got up and walked towards the girl. She cradled the girls head in her arms and started to sing softly to calm the girl down. Sam isn't a bad person. Then why does Stella hate her so much. "It's my turn to watch. Go to sleep Sam." Sam obliged and laid down in his lap after she put down the other girls head carefully.
----------- Kyle's P.O.V -----------
I heard everything that was said throughout their conversation. I heard her story. I cradled her body to make her comfortable on my lap. "So I'm guessing your her boyfriend, huh?" The guy said. "Who are you and what's your name?" I asked. The only thing I know about him is that he is Stella's boyfriend. "I'm James and I am a rogue." He said. "Well duh your a rogue it's pretty obvious." "What about you. What's your name?" "Names Kyle." I said. Morning came and some guards brought us "breakfast" which was rice, bread, and some eggs. "Sweetheart, breakfast is here." I cooed. She groggily stood up and got her food. "Sam thanks for helping me sleep. I had nightmares. I was reliving my parents death." Karen said, tears started to come and soon she was sobbing. "Oh darling it was nothing. I'm always here for you." Sam said. That's what I love about her. She is so caring. Karen started sobbing even harder and Sam put her plate down and hugged her. The two of them say there hugging while Karen was sobbing in Sam's shoulder. Nathan came over took Karen by the shoulder and hugged her. Everyone started to hug each other in the group hug. All of us were giving strength to each other, especially Karen.
----------- Sam's P.O.V ------------
I felt very bad for Karen because her parents died fighting the fight that we were fighting a day ago. I stayed with her after everyone has gone eating. A few other girls were tearing up. Not knowing if their parents were dead from their injuries. I almost forgot that Stella was here until I heard her call us. "Alright idiots. You will be interrogated one by one. People who don't cooperate will be killed. If you do you will be allowed to live. In a few minutes they will come for the first person." Then she turned to look at me and sneered. "Starting with the little alpha..." And she walked off. It really hurt that she sneered at me like I was in for a death sentence. She was right about one thing. In a few minutes the guy and his guards picked me up and pulled me out of the room. But right before I went outside I turned to look at everyone and offered them a small smile. I made eye contact with Kyle trying tell him that I loved him. He nodded a bit like understood what I "said". And then I went out.

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