Chapter 1: In the beginning there was Chaos

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Percy's PoV

Today was a sunny day and I walked along the beach. Who I am? I am Percy Jackson, son of Poseidon and Hero of Olympus. I just came back from a quest. Not a hard one, just your everyday quest for a demi-god, killing a few monsters, saving a few lives...Piece of cake.

I have been away from camp for about 3 days and of course I wanted to see my girlfriend as soon as possible. Annabeth Chase, daughter of Athena the one I love more than anything. I already searched for her for a while, but could not find her anywhere. I kept wondering where she might be.

As I walked along the beach I saw a girl sitting there in the distance. I was sure it was Annabeth, with her beautiful blonde hair waving in the wind. I ran towards her, but soon slowed down and came to a halt. There she was, my girlfriend... sitting with my half-brother in the sands kissing. I couldn't believe my eyes.

Well, my brother Mark was an arrogant self loving prick getting all the attention of well about everyone for killing one puny little hydra. I seemed forgotten, but it didn't matter for me I still had my friends like Thalia, Grover and Nico and my girlfriend of course so I could bear with this, but now?

I was still in shock when the two lovebirds noted my presence.

"Oh gods... Percy." Annabeth stammered

Mark just stood up grinning „ Well if it isn't my weakling brother. Got your ass kicked and crawled back to camp?"

"What is this...?" I choked out in barely a whisper.
" Oh gods... Percy. It's not what you think."

"It's not what I think?" I shouted making the earth shake.

"Well, then tell me what is this?"I asked pure rage and hatred rising inside me.

The horizon began to darken storm clouds beginning to form and the sea became restless building huge waves.

Annabeth and Mark seemed scared. "Percy, please... come down!"

"Come down? You cheat on me and I should come down? Like hell I will!"

Now small tornadoes began to form destroying everything in their way.

Now Mark began to stand up with new found confidence.

"You know, I'm more powerful then you are!"

"Silence!" I shouted making the earth shake and Mark falling back down.

I took a deep breath and calmed down a bit, sadness filling me now "Why Annabeth? Just tell me why you had to cheat on me?"

"Well..." Annabeth began, standing up from her crouching scaredy-cat position and then she said the words I would never forget

"I just don't love you anymore. I love Mark now."

I just couldn't stand this anymore I turned around trying to leave saying

"Don't you dare showing your face before me ever again." then I began to walk away. The seas were calming a bit as was the storm, but the dark clouds remained.

'Percy, I..." „Don't talk to me !" At this moment Mark began to charge me with his sword drawn. He tried to stab me in the back but I simply moved out of the way with swiftness and dodged the blade.

"Now who is the great Hero of Olympus? I've got everything your friends your camp your glory and even your love!" As he said that he began to laugh like crazy.

I wasn't even listening. I stood there emotionless, not believing what just happened. I lost everything!

Then I heard a roar and saw Mark running at me. In the corner of my eye I saw Annabeth smiling at the actions Mark took. Why would she smile? Did she love me at all?

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