Chapter 16: The Pit of Darkness I

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Percy's PoV

I was really bored... For a few hours now I wandered through this darkness. I couldn't tell if I was walking in a circle or something since I couldn't see anything!

I had enough! I concentrated on the fire in my hands and it turned blue slowly heating up. Then I compressed it with both my palms and release it while turning my body creating a whirl of fire around myself. It went farther and farther slowly lighting the pit of Darkness I was in until it collided with the wall.

"Well it really is nothing more than a huge pit..." I at least saw something which looked like a way or something similar and just went with it. I came into a tunnel and to my surprise I heard voices coming from there.

"I swear I saw blue fire... Come on." I immediately jumped into a hiding spot in a small hole just as the tunnel was lit by fire.

"Who would dare to enter the layer of Erebus?"

"I don't know..." Erebus? I heard that somewhere... Suddenly the two monsters stopped and there were noises like someone was sniffing...

"You smell that?" The steps came closer getting louder. I have to get out of here... What should I do? Ohh right... I just jumped into the darkness and disappeared. Reappearing in the damn darkness I was in before.

"Not again..." But suddenly a flood of fear washed over me and the pit if even possible got even darker... I felt a presence a powerful one and got into a ready stance. I heard swishes from everywhere...

"Who is there? Show yourself!" Then a shiver ran down my spine and I felt a body slowly appearing behind me holding me. I looked over my shoulder and just saw a hand appearing out of the darkness. The hand itself seemed to be made of darkness as far as I could see. It stroked my cheek...eerie. I freed myself from the hold and jumped back turning towards the entity.

I couldn't really see it but I could guess that the body of a woman was shaped and I was right. I lit the small space and indeed saw an entity of darkness shaped like a woman...

"What are you?" The woman took a step forward slowly approaching me. It suddenly began to change kind of... The shape itself remained the same but some darkness fell from the body and some formed a black dress. Long black hairs formed too. When it was finished... there stood a beautiful young woman with long flowing black hair with a black dress with light points, looking like stars.

She smiled warmly and just came nearer. I stood for a moment in awe at the appearance but soon found my composure and asked again.

"Who are you?" At this darkness began to whirl and then rushed from behind the woman towards me. It literally consumed me and I couldn't see yet again. Then something touched my cheek and the darkness became lighter, friendlier.

"Don't worry young hero. I mean no harm. I am the primordial goddess of the night. I am Nyx."

Artemis PoV

What should I say? What should I say...Because, I love him! No I can't say that... Not here with my brother and father. Come on something I need something to say. Ihave to safe Perseus as fast as possible... to kill him myself...

Just seconds earlier...

Zeus and Poseidon argued over the judgment of Mark for attacking Artemis in the fight before...

"No I shall judge him, right now..." Zeus shouted at Poseidon.

"Enough father! I will personally punish him later for what he did..." I interrupted them drawing the attention to myself.

"... but right now I have to go to Tartarus!" All the gods were taken aback. My father, the king of gods gaped and started awkwardly.

"I wanted to throw him to Tartarus not you..." I could only roll my eyes and just turned to Hades.

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