Chapter 24: The Day before

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Percy's PoV

I felt the morning sun stroking my fur as the first few strands of light fell through the trees. I could smell the sea all around me as I was on the island of Camp-Halfblood. Then there was also a feeling of warmth surrounding me, a warmth that I felt really comfortable with.

It was a great feeling.

And yet I had to wonder where that warmth came from. It wasn't the sun as it was just rising and it wasn't just my fur, being in my wolf form and all... But what was it...?

I slowly drifted on towards conscious when I suddenly felt movement to my side and then the other side too... Still I was more focused on the warmth that pressed against my body...

Finally I opened my eyes. I laid on one side with my paws stretched out and looked ahead. There I saw Thalia peacefully sleeping, while leaning against Wolf-Nico. I couldn't keep a small grin from appearing. Well I could tease the both of them for a while now...

Again I felt stirring besides me and a strange feeling crept up inside myself. My instincts seemed to register that something was off but I couldn't put my finger on it... claw... whatever.

Then an arm wrapped around me from behind. Oh gods...

I slowly turned my head and could finally sigh in relief. It was only Zoe... She had gotten close to get some warmth over the night. Well that was good for one moment I had thought that...


But then a second movement caught my attention. This time it was up front against my chest... Now the strange feeling was back again stronger than ever.. I again turned my head to the other side and...

I came face to face with a peacefully sleeping...


Oh, Zeus help me...

My cold wolf nose almost touched hers... If that would happened she would wake up and then... I didn't even dare to think about that... Of course it would have been worse if it was the past Artemis but still...

I was tempted to jump up and run... or scream like a girl... But for my own good I didn't get one tone out and just looked at her...

Seriously, she looked really beautiful with the light shining on her face and her lips a bit apart with a quiet breathing.

I wouldn't have minded to wake up with two beautiful girls to both my sides... but this just seemed dangerous to me, a bit awkward too but mostly... dangerous.

Still not too bad...

Now I had to think of a way to get out of this situation without waking Artemis, but...

"Hunters, wake up!"

That was it ... Artemis herself sealed my fate as her past version shouted through the camp. Great...

I saw Artemis... or Diana stirring against my chest and could only watch as she came back to reality...

It would have been smart to pretend to be asleep... Yes that would have been smart, indeed. But her eyes fluttered open and immediately met mine...

She stared at me for a moment, which slowly turned into a glare... but then she stood up without sparing me another glance. Thank Zeus or whatever God that helped me.

But then I saw Nico and Thalia both grinning at me with mischief in their eyes.

"Had a nice dream Seaweed-Brain?" Thalia whispered as she moved past me. Nico went on mentally.

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