Chapter 27: Nemesis

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Artemis' PoV

I was still in a shock of embarrassment. Not because I was 'defeated', not even because I was defeated by a, now, grinning boy. It was only because he had been so close to me.

I got a warm feeling from being close to him... again.

And I liked it.


I was angry. Very angry. And slowly the warm feeling turned into a raging heat. And eventually his grin disappeared and he hid the flags again.

"Nico... Code Red... Maneuver Delta 6."

What was he talking about? I turned around to look at the other boy, but he too was just as confused as I. A moment after I turned around, however his expression of confusion changed into shock.

"Percy, you traitor!"

When I turned back Perseus was already quite a bit off running as if there was no tomorrow. This poor fool.

I got my bow out taking aim and then fired three arrows. Two nailing him to a tree by his sleeves and the third as a warning shot between his legs...

"Woah!... That was pretty close Arte..."

I was already in front of him before he could finish my name, as I just glared.

"You think you could get away with this?"

Thalia and Nico arrived shortly after, panting a little.

"You would have left me there, wouldn't you?"

"Ehmm...,yea- I mean no. If I had wanted to leave you hanging I could have just disappeared right?"

As I studied his face, it seemed as if a realization had struck him and he wanted to punch himself.

"Anyway... I hope we are not interrupting something?" Thalia winked at me, as I felt the heat rise again.

"No, why would you?" Perseus asked certainly not getting anything. Fortunately... or not...

Thalia face palmed and Nico tried to suppress his laughter, but before any of them could say anything, I intervened.

"Where is Zoe?" I looked over to Thalia who knew seemingly nothing and then towards Nico.

"We haven't seen her eith-"

"Help me!" The cry I identified as Zoe's ripped through the forest just then and we all tensed up.

Of course I first had to free Perseus... or not... He had already vanished, the arrows left struck in the tree. Thalia had already taken off running as she shouted for me.

"Come on let's go!"

There is barely a single second of peace in my life with Perseus.

Thalia's PoV

Nico and I immediately rushed of towards the cry. Artemis was up front now having passed us earlier.

Suddenly Artemis stopped.

Of course Nico and I also came to a halt. As we saw what was stopping her. It was a blonde boyin an armor with a cocky smile, but his eyes were different they seemed eerily yellow...I hoped it was the sun playing tricks on me.

"Who are you?" Artemis asked sharply, glaring at the boy.

"That is none of your concern, Lady Artemis." His grin never left his face as he leaned against a tree.

Okay now he officially was eery.

"How do you..."

"That is also not important. I only cannot allow you to pass here just yet."

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