Chapter 19: Ancient Greece?

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Percy's PoV

I was still getting sucked, only a hand preventing me to vanish into whatever this was. I opened my eyes and saw Nico holding on to me. Thalia and Artemis were still fighting the Titan of Light.

For me everything played in slow motion. I didn't really hear anything. I just saw.

Thalia being pushed back by the strike of the Titan crushing into a wall. Mrs O'Leary jumping at him but being swatted away by a swish of his hand. Nico shouted at me ... Thalia was at the edge of losing conscious and Mrs O'Leary unable to get up and lastly an exhausted Artemis clashed swords with the Titan. There were also the two other fiends in the thrones. They had no chance of surviving this. I saw everything and I had to do something, I had to get them out...

I held my hand out towards Thalia, Mrs O'Leary and Artemis and just forced something to happen.

The hall shook violently and the space seemed to bend, creating a twisted image of reality. A bright flash lighted the hall. I didn't know what exactly I did but it send them out of Tartarus. With the bright light I passed out...

Nico's PoV

I did everything I could to save my friend from vanishing into the crack. Well the only thing I could do was to hold onto his hand...

I saw Mrs O'Leary, Artemis and Thalia fighting a losing battle and I couldn't do anything.

"Come on Percy! Pull yourself together and get out!"

I shouted but Percy didn't seem to hear anything. The light slowly faded from his eyes as if he was about to drift into unconscious, but then he held his other hand out and something happened.

I felt the space around me shift. I felt myself eing sucked in by space, feeling as if I was at two places at the same time, As if only part of me was still here and I was slowly transported to another location.

My friends were already gone... safe I guess but I still held onto my friend I couldn't let go. There was a roar behind me coming from Hyperion and a bright light flashed the whole room. I didn't see anything, but I felt the space stopped bending and I was pushed into the light crack passing out as I passed through...

I felt a warm ray of light touching my skin, while a soft breeze whistled over me. I felt myself lying in a soft bed of grass. I blinked a few times, adjusting to the bright light. For a moment my memories were confused and blurry but then I remembered. Percy! I shot up into a sitting position and looked around. I looked over myself and a confusing thought struck me. I am still alive!

I then took in my surroundings. I was on a small grass field on top of a hill overlooking a landscape I hadn't seen ever before... well it looked a bit familiar... maybe. I then saw Percy lying on the ground out cold. His chest rose and fell so he was still alive. Thank Zeus!

I got myself to Percy and tried to wake him up carefully...

"Percy! Wake up, bro! I think we are in trouble... again! Come on!" Percy groaned and stirred but wouldn't get up so I tapped him...

"OW! What the hell was that for?" He looked at me a bit dazed but awake at least.

"You wouldn't wake up." I said quite impatiently. He glared for a moment but then looked around himself.

"Where are we? Are... we alive?" I rolled my eyes at that.

"Yes genius we are..." Percy looked back at me.

"Now then where are we?"

"I'd like to know that myself. I just hope Thalia is safe...... and Artemis of course!" Percy raised an eyebrow.

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