Chapter 25: Capture the Flag

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Thalia's PoV

"... we, the Gods of Olympus, shall watch over you as you prove your worth in this fight. Fight with honor, courage and-"

My father just held one of his super boring speeches for the campers and Hunters. The ones who took part in the Game, which were all of them I guess, were already at their respective islands and looked up at the sky where the Gods sat in their thrones on a floating platform. No kidding.

They were dressed in war robes and were in their giant form, so they could be seen even though they floated so far away. I found that whole floating in the sky above and all the lightning and crashing waves kinda flashy. Well, whatever...

Zeus stood and spoke, his voice booming everywhere... After ten seconds I couldn't listen anymore. It was boring as hell, yet all the others looked on in respect.

A different time, alright.

I ,however, looked around for Artemis or Diana. I hadn't seen her since this morning and the incident with Percy...

Thinking about that I had a pretty good idea what she was doing... But a feeling told me it wasn't what I'd imagined it to be...

I was brought out of my musings as I finally heard the words I had waited for ,what felt like a eternity...

"Without further ado..." Far too late for that... " ...let the Games begin!"

A cheer went through the islands as, with the stamp of Zeus staff, lightning flashed through the sky signaling the Start of the Game.

Just then Artemis times two appeared in a flash. One of them seemed angry and the other confused... Artemis confused? That could only mean one thing...

"Okay Hunters! Since you are all here now..." At that she glared at Artemis who didn't seem to even notice. "... make me proud!" With this she disappeared again.

"Hey Diana! Did you have fun with Percy?"

I smirked, finally getting a reaction as she shot out of her thoughts and... blushed...? Now that was interesting!

"Let's go you two! We have to get these flags!"

Zoe stood ready at the fragile wooden bridge as she shouted for us and Artemis used that distraction of mine to get away. So I let it slip... for now.

Before I rushed after them I heard some Hunters whisper.

"I bet they are dead in a day." One now known as the 'Dumbass' said to another.

"I give them half a da-" Before she could finish an arrow, which magically moved on it's on from my quiver, shot past her head.

"You do your job, we do ours..."

With that I turned around and quickly crossed the bridge.

Now the fun begins...

Nico's PoV

The game had already started and still no sign of Percy. All the campers had suddenly disappeared in a bolt of lightning leaving me alone with the wolves and Percy was still nowhere to be seen.

I would miss all the fun...

"Come on Percy! Don't do that to me!"

If Artemis killed him I would personally drag his ass back from Tartarus just so that I can kick it! Then again he seemed to be all powerful, so... that could be kinda hard...

Speaking of the all-powerful Demigod...

"There you are Percy! What in the Hades were you doing! We... Percy?"

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