Chapter 14: The End of Days

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Nico's PoV

That isn't good...

Percy walked out from behind the pillar surrounded by some weird looking aura. Artemis reached for him but didn't move from her hiding spot, which seemed kind of weird to me. Mrs O'Leary hid in a nearby shadow and had taken along the other three hunters. Thalia and me stood behind the opposite pillar and actually were quite close. I blushed a bit but turned my attention back to Percy.

I felt my fear rising. Power emanated from Percy. He almost felt like... a god. A really angry one I might add. He grinned and his eyes were darker than before. Also the whole hall seemed to darken, the lights getting weaker.

"There is a light..."

"It was about damn time..."

The voices came nearer so were their footsteps. Tap Tap Tap... Finally they stopped. I turned around the corner and saw three figures standing at the entrance Percy created. It was Mark, his brother Alex and Annabeth. All of them were in battle armors on and had their swords at the ready as they saw Percy. Mark stepped forward.

"Who are you!" I looked at Percy again to see a grin appearing on his face. He began to walk towards them. I wanted to grab him by his shoulder but I couldn't move as if something held me back... Even Artemis seemed frozen. I couldn't even speak. I could just watch as Percy walked farther away from us.

"Speak! Who are you!" Mark yelled again. The group of three also seemed to be hit by fear and took a step back.

"Stop! I warn you! I am a god! I could easily destroy you if I wish!" Percy's grin ,if it was even possible ,grew even wider and he suddenly disappeared from my view. A moment later I heard a loud was quite hard to see, the light being really dim but I saw Percy now standing right in front of the group. Alex and Annabeth looked shocked at Mark and then at Percy.

"What..." Annabeth stammered. Alex just yelled and swung his sword vertically at Percy. Percy evaded and gave Alex a flick to the head. He turned to Annabeth, who trembled in fear.

"You can't be here... you should be dead..." She whispered so I barely heard it.

"As you can see I am alive... Annabeth." He said her name with disgust that much I heard.

Suddenly a burst of water shot at Percy sending him flying back, past us into the wall. We still couldn't move but I saw Artemis tense up and struggling more. It seemed as though she wanted to run to Percy.

Mark came walked out of his self made hole and stopped next to Annabeth. Alex too stood up still a bit dazed.

"I see you are back my coward brother..." He grinned.

"Not bad for a demigod I must say... I am a god though so it would be wise if you give up...just like last time." A gust of wind went through the hall, making the flames flicker and a chill went down my spine.

Percy began to rise again being carried by the wind. When he was upright he landed on the ground.

"It's been a long time Mark... " Percy said pretty casually.

"I have waited a long time for this... You better get ready." He began walking towards Mark.

"How dare you challenge a god!" Alex yelled starting to run towards Percy with his sword raised.

Percy just waved his hand to one side and Alex was hit by a strong wind. He crashed into the wall and slid down unconsciously.

Annabeth stared in shock and began walking backwards. "No... it can't be..." She then fell. Meanwhile Mark played with his sword.

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